Tuesday, February 23, 2021

4 Rounds
Row 250 Meters
10 V-Ups
15 DB Deadlifts (50s)
Row 250 Meters
Rest 1:30 Between Rounds

Score: Slowest Round ONLY

Goal: 3:00-4:30

Slowest round should be within 10-12 seconds of fastest. Need to be more consistent from round-to-round. Held each row at a manageable pace (1:58/500m), broke the v-ups at 6 reps and went unbroken on the deadlifts. Where I lost time was in the transitions -- rounds two and three I let 5-7 seconds tick away between first row and v-ups and then again before picking up the dumbbells. 

(1) 3:24 | (2) 3:49 | (3) 4:02 | (4) 3:37

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