Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Having a goal for your 2K pace is important; picking a realistic pace without actually doing a 2K can be tough. This workout can tell you if your goal pace is realistic without the mental commitment that a 2K requires. 

If your goal pace is close to reasonable, you should be able to hit these targets without too much trouble - although you'll be breathing hard. The final 500m is the most telling - if you can't hit your goal here, you may be aiming a bit high, goal-wise. The final 250m is a great opportunity to practice raising the rate under fatigue. I based my pacing off a 1:54/500m average which would put me at 7:36 for the 2K. Rates were on the low side (think 33 or 34 for a 2K), but given the lack of warmup and cold weather, I'll take it.

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