Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Today's workout is focused on getting comfortable at race pace. This is not only to get comfortable with how the race will begin but also to build our capacity to maintain this pace. The idea is to hold 500m goal pace and rate across all intervals.

Warmed up with 50 'darts' in the dart game @ 21 s/m and 2:03.6 pace. The damper was set at 116 for the first interval, raised to 130 for remaining intervals. When I look back at my 500m PR (1:37.8 2/14/20), I was holding a higher stroke rate (39 average) so I am happy to keep everything under 1:40 pace with a 'lower' sprint rate. Ideally, I'd like to complete the 500m around 34-36 spm. 

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