Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Workout 83 - RowErg - Spice it Up

Workout 83: (Variable Intervals) The heat rises as we pour ourselves into these sets. Seasoned with increasing stroke rates and decreasing intervals, we test, test, and retest to maximize the flavor. Don't come out too fast as you'll be asked to improve on every interval with each subsequent round. 
Warm-up and Workout: 
3 Rounds...
4 Minutes @22
1 Minute Rest
3 Minutes @24
1 Minute Rest
2 Minutes @26
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute @28

Monday, September 27, 2021

5x bench press @ 155lbs
1 minute SkiErg 
2 minute rest
(293, 281, 271, 260, 254m)

3 minutes rest between blocks

10x KB bent over rows @ 44lbs
30 seconds SkiErg
1 minute rest
(134, 132, 129, 130, 131m)

Those minute sprints were absolute torture. I stayed conservative with the weight for the bench press and glad that I did. My triceps were smoked almost immediately 🚒! 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

300 Dart Challenge

Object: To row with a consistent stroke rate and power output
Number of Darts (strokes) : 300
Points: 50 points for a bull’s eye; 25, 10, and 5 points for next three rings. 

Time: 14:29.9
Score: 12,400 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 3171m 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Ski Series II - Event 3 "E.T. (Go Hard) or Go Home"

Ski 5 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
3A: Last 5 minutes distance [1127m]
3B: Total distance [4457m]

Played around with the damper some here. The first round was done at 10 (DF 144), round 2&3 were set to 6 (DF 88) and the final round was 7.5 (DF 103). 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Garage Athlete Games Event 21.3 
Sarnia (SkiErg)

Rest 3 mins
Rest 5 mins

Score A = 100m Time
Score B = Overall Work Time
DF 95

Pacing should be full senderson! With the extended rest between each interval, don't hold anything back.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Row 5,000 meters  

Today was supposed to be a rest day but I decided to sit for what I intended to be a low and slow recovery session. Instead, I opted for a 5K and decided after the first 1000m I would push myself a little. Jumped up in rate a bit every 800 meters or so. 

Next time out give this video from DarkHorse a try - Row a 21 Minute 5K

SCORE: 21:48.4

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

10 minute build from DarkHorse Rowing (2144 meters)

2 Rounds 
12 Calorie Echo Bike (26 & 26 seconds)
Rest 1:30 
3 Rounds
15 Calorie Echo Bike (38, 46 & 53 seconds 🥵)
Rest 2:30
12 Calorie Echo Bike (34 and 33 seconds)
Rest 1:30

We program bike sprints for two primary reasons:
1) High Output. You have an upper end output if you want to be able to keep up when an event or test does not afford you the ability to pace it. 
2) Recovery. If you're completely trashed after a couple of max effort bouts, that should indicate to you that both extremes of your fitness need work. Max output, plus the long-slow aerobic work which trains your body to flush waste and recovery between efforts. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

30/30 Intervals on C2 Rower

10 minutes 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off
Open pace and rate
Average Rate: 34
DF: 118
Average Pace: 1:48.8

The drag needs to be higher for these type of sprints. Was short on time and just wanted to sweat. Warmed up and hit this along with Dark Horse Rowing vid. 

Cash Out: 30 Evil Wheels

Monday, September 20, 2021

SkiErg Conditioning

Wanted to go sub :20 for the 100m sprint at the end but overall happy with this effort. DF was 84 for each of the first 3 rounds but I turned it up to 109 for the sprint. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

SkiErg Conditioning
5 x 500m // 1 min rest
🎯 2K pace
DF 88

I came in wanting to get eight intervals, but I have not built up the needed endurance on the SkiErg to complete all 8 rounds without a big drop-off in pace and rate during those later rounds. Goal here was consistency across all rounds.   

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Row Intervals 
3x 10 mins work // :30 seconds rest
1: 2k + 20 @ 18s/m
2: 2k + 18 @ 20 s/m
3: 2k + 14 @ 22 s/m

DF 116

The 30 second rest periods were good for no more than a quick sip of water and wiping my face. This is a pace comparable to my best 30 minute time trial but at lower rates 🚣‍♂️

Friday, September 17, 2021

AMRAP 24 Minutes 
15 Calorie Ski
Rest 2:30
12 Calorie Ski
Rest 2:00
9 Calorie Ski
Rest 1:30

SCORE: 117 Calories (9 calories during fourth round of 15)

No doubt here, we are looking for a 'send it' mentality. Attack this piece with the goal of hitting your peak output each round, leaving only enough in the tank to rest and do it a few more times 💀💀. Set the damper to 6 and DF 90. The score on the last round is not accurate as the monitor continued to roll once I hit the 24 minute mark. I got 9 calories in approx. 30 seconds on that last round. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

30 Minute Time Trial
SCORE: 6705 meters
DRAG: 118

A good rule of thumb for a 30 minute effort is 2K plus 15 which would put me right around a 2:13/500m pace. Started off too conservatively here but decided after a few minutes I wasn't going to limit myself to a low rate and went for it, letting the rate increase bump up my speed as well. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Warmup: 5 mins row (1081m) 

Workout: SKI 10x 300m // 1:00 rest

Start at an easy/moderate pace and try to get one second faster each round. I don't know what easy, moderate or hard paces are for me on the SkiErg yet so I started at 1:18.5 and tried to improve each round. Quit after the 5th round because my triceps were on fire from Monday's ski.

Cool Down: 100 stroke cooldown row (1062m)

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

4x 1500m // 3:00 rest 
Rate: 26
DF: 118

Some afternoon intervals in the heat. Just trying to get some fitness in at the new house. Didn't have a target in mind other than staying consistent. Thought I'd see how I came out on the first interval and go from there. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

SkiErg Intervals 
25x :30 work // :30 rest
🎯 2k -3, staying consistent
DF 90

I don't have a great idea of my 2K time so aimed to keep all intervals at 2:07/500m pace. Hit 117, 118 or 119m per interval for all 25 intervals.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Sunday 120930 | CrossFit 

Five rounds, not for time:

Row 500 meters

135 pound Bench press, 15 reps

Sat on 2:08/500m pace for all rounds and attempted to keep the bench unbroken which lasted just two rounds 😓 Broke each of the last three rounds at 9&6 but overall this felt pretty good for not having benched with a barbell in over a year and a half. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Get on your Concept 2 -> Press Menu -> Select Workout -> Custom List, and select v2000m/3:00r...
3:00 rest
3:00 rest
3:00 rest
3:00 rest

This was a rate-capped (20) low-drag (90) recovery effort. Sat on 2:20/500m for all four intervals. 
15 Rounds
3 Deadlift @ 185 (double overhand grip)
Farmer's Carry 40 yards as heavy as possible (70lb kettlebells)
*For famer's carry walk out 20 yards and back 20 yards

Bye, bye grip...

5X 12+:10 Hollow Rocks+Hollow Hold

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Three rounds for time of:
 Row 500 Meters
 12 Deadlifts BW
 21 Box Jumps (20″)


Notes: Step-ups instead of box jumps. Used a pair of 70lb KBs for deadlift. This was a good test for my right knee and 🤞 the knee held up well. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Get on your Concept 2 -> Press Menu -> Select Workout -> Custom List, and select v1:00/1:00r..7 ! Take it for a ride for 7 intervals.
Time: 16 minutes
Distance: 4035 meters

Notes: Goal should be to match or improve on distance recorded on way up during your trip back down the ladder.

Monday, September 6, 2021

20 Rounds
1:45 work // :45 rest
Pacing: Sustain 
DF 119

I came out a little conservative on the first two intervals, but then held right around 400m per for the remaining 18. Sneaky little piece to log some volume, finished with just under 8000m. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Garage Athlete Games Event 21.1 (Row)
Pocket Deuces

10:00 @ 20 s/m
Score A: distance in first 2:00 [469m]
Score B: distance in last 2:00 [465m]
Score C: overall distance [2214m]
DF 95

Drag was a little low for this effort. For a rate-capped row, bump the drag up to 125-135. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Rest 8 minutes
Row 1,333m
Rest 4 minutes
Row 1,333m
Rest 4 minutes
Row 1,333m
2A: 5,000m time (22:45.5)
2B: Slowest 1,333m time (5:53.1)

I don't know how to program a monitor anymore 😞 I entered the wrong rest time following the 5000m (4 minutes instead of 8) so I reset for the 1333m intervals. I paced the 5000 and the first 1333 a little more than I should have, but overall happy with this effort. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Row Series VI - Event 4 - Super Chief
Row 500m (1:55.4)
Rest 1 minute
Row 999m (4:13.5)
Rest 1 minute
Row 999m (4:11.4)
Rest 1 minute
Row 999m (4:09.0) 
4A: 500m time
4B: Slowest 999m time

The monitor at the Y was acting up and actually reset after my first 999m -- I should have just moved over to the other rower from the start. Increased the pace on each of the 999m efforts by one second per 500m with each round. 

Accessory: Pushing
3 sets for quality:
10 weighted tempo pushups (25)
20 banded triceps extensions 
20 banded pull-aparts

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Row Conditioning 
3 Rounds
6:00 work // 2:00 rest
🎯 Rounds 1&2: 2K plus 14 @ r24
🎯 Round 3: 2K plus 10 @ r26
DF 101

Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
135(x2)-155(x2)-165-175-135 pounds

The cleans felt mostly good. The 175-pound bar was a little sloppy so I dropped down for the final set.