Thursday, September 2, 2021

Row Series VI - Event 4 - Super Chief
Row 500m (1:55.4)
Rest 1 minute
Row 999m (4:13.5)
Rest 1 minute
Row 999m (4:11.4)
Rest 1 minute
Row 999m (4:09.0) 
4A: 500m time
4B: Slowest 999m time

The monitor at the Y was acting up and actually reset after my first 999m -- I should have just moved over to the other rower from the start. Increased the pace on each of the 999m efforts by one second per 500m with each round. 

Accessory: Pushing
3 sets for quality:
10 weighted tempo pushups (25)
20 banded triceps extensions 
20 banded pull-aparts

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