Wednesday, November 24, 2021

"Magic Bike" - For Time 
22 Echo Bike Calories
Rest 5:00
28 Echo Bike Calories
Rest 5:00
22 Echo Bike Calories
Score is total working time

Total Time: 2:58 

There is really no substitute for bike sprints. You just need to spend time in the pain cave to get better at these. With that said, there are some things you can do to ensure you are setting yourself up to get the most of these: 
1. Be sure you have warmed your body up properly. 
2. Set the seat at the right height -- leg should be almost fully extended without being locked out. 
3. Use your arms!

Cash Out:
Rogue Wheel Challenge
Static Front Hold w/ 25# plate for as long as possible
Time: 45 seconds

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