Friday, November 12, 2021

3 Rounds
20 Unbroken Wall Balls 
Bike 15 Cal 
20 Box Jumps
Bike 15 Cal 
Rest 2 Minutes between Rounds
*15 Air Squat Penalty if you break during WBs - Just knock them out and start back where you left off on the WBs

WB: 14-pounds; Foam Box: 20-inch; Echo Bike

I was conservative with the weight on the wall balls since I had not done these in a while. Unbroken was never in doubt -- should have gone with an 18-20# ball instead. The Y has the foam plyo box so I felt emboldened to test my knee with actual box jumps. Broke the box jumps at the halfway point each round but otherwise felt good and still feeling good a couple of hours later. 

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