Friday, July 8, 2022

 5 Rounds 
:30 Max Hang Power Cleans (95lbs) 
:30 Max Ball Slams (20lbs)
:30 Max Russian Twist (16lbs)
1:30 Rest

63 Hang Cleans | 53 Ball Slams | 78 Russian Twists

Focus is on producing powerful reps rather than the number of reps. Focus on each movement and give it your all. As you get tired you can get away with sloppy cleans or dropping the ball. That is not what we want today - instead explode up and explode down. Push your feet into the floor and explosively pull the bar upward. Fully extend knees and hips as you stand up for the ball slams. Kept heels on the floor during the Russian twists. 

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