Friday, July 15, 2022

Part 1 (4:26)
3 Rounds
50 Heavy Rope Singles 
20 KB Deadlifts @ 44lbs
Rest 3 Minutes after all 3 Rounds

Part 2 (4:11)
3 Rounds
50 Heavy Rope Singles 
12 Sandbag Power Clean @ 55lbs

Two parts today, each should take roughly the same amount of time. To be clear, it's 3 rounds THEN a 3 minute rest before moving on to part 2. To hit the goal, we are shooting for 1:20-2:20 per round for both parts (goal: 4-7 mins each round). Although it is a lot of deadlifts, this weight was too light, should have used the 53lb KBs. My first time with the sandbag power cleans -- resist the temptation to swing the bag, keep it close to your body like a barbell power clean. 

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