Friday, July 1, 2022

Core Values: 
1 minute plank
75 weighted sit-ups
1 minute plank
75 Russian twists
1 minute plank

Hold 10-pound wall ball for the sit-ups and Russian twists. Kept heels on the ground during the twists. 

3 Rounds
250 Meter (Easy) Row
250 Meter (Moderate) Row
250 Meter (Hard) Row
250 Meter (Very Hard) Row
250 Meter (Sprint) Row
2 Minute Slow Row/Walk/Active Rest

Score: Round 1 Time (5:17.7)
Score: Round 2 Time (5:17.6)
Score: Round 3 Time (5:17.5)

Paced this perfectly, talk about consistency! One of my favorite Endurance pieces to date -- maybe because it was so short...

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