Wednesday, July 27, 2016

1. Weightlifting + Gymnastics Conditoning
OTM x 6 - 1 Snatch (90%)
Rest 2:00
OTM x 6 - 1 Clean  (90%)


Notes: Grip was smoked by end of this. Testing close to 1RM should be done with Rogue bars only; the Y bar is too skinny and grip feels off.

2. Conditioning
3 Rounds:
Every 0:90 complete,
100m sprint
30 KB Swings, 40lbs.

Notes: 10 burpee penalty for any round not completed within 0:90. I took two penalties -- 30, 23 & 26 KB Swings completed.  <30 .="" 30-23-26="" are="" completed="" form.="" nbsp="" on="" overhead="" rounds.="" run="" strong="" swings="" true="" were="">

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