Friday, July 22, 2016

Crossfit Masters Event #1 - California Club
For time:
 8 deadlifts (365 / 255 lb.)
 40 GHD sit-ups (women to 6-inch box)
 80 double-unders
 4 rope climbs
 80 wall-ball shots (20 / 14 lb.)
 4 rope climbs
 80 double-unders
 40 GHD sit-ups (women to 6-inch box)
 8 deadlifts (365 / 255 lb.)

Notes: Scaled as follows:
 8 deadlifts (245lb.)
 40 v-ups
 150 single-unders
 12 pull-ups
 80 wall-ball shots (15lb.)
 12 pull-ups
 150 single-unders
 40 v-ups
 8 deadlifts (245lb.)

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