Saturday, February 18, 2017

Crossfit Open 16.2
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 minutes of:
25 hanging knee raises
50 single-unders
Squat cleans*
Begin with a 4 minute time cap. If 1 round is completed in under 4 minutes extend time to 8 minutes. If 2 rounds are completed in under 8 minutes extend time to 12 minutes. Etc., adding 4 minutes per round completed for up to 20 minutes.
*1st round, 15 reps at 95lb.
2nd round, 13 reps, 115lb.
3rd round, 11 reps, 135lb.
4th round, 9 reps, 155lb.
5th round, 7 reps, 185lb.

Total Reps: 324. Completed 5 Squat Cleans @ 155lb.  

Note: Workout was done at No Excuses, subbed 20 hollow rocks for hanging knee raises due to equipment limitations. While hollow rocks are a great ab exercise, they are not a great sub for TTB. Think about what we are doing with our mid-line here. The TTB is an accelerated closure of the hip, v-up would have been more appropriate here. 

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