Friday, June 30, 2017

Gymnastics Conditioning
6 Strict HSPU
Rest 1:00
5 Strict HSPU
Rest :45
4 Strict HSPU
Rest :30
3 Strict HSPU
Rest :15
3 Strict HSPU

3 RFT:
120 Singles
30 Alternating Pistols
30 Calorie Row

Midline (Anterior)
8 x :20 on / :20 off
Hollow Hold

Midline (Posterior)
3 x 1:00 on / 1:00 off
D-Ball Hold (75)

1: Head to 20-lb sand bell. Last round was supposed to be 3 HSPU, I didn't read and assumed this was same as last week.
2: Pistols were broken into 2 sets -- 16/14 each round. Row was between 1:38 - 1:40 each round and 431-438m.
3: This was TOUGH. Rx'd called for tabata timing (20/10), dropped early on rounds 5&7
4: Held all 3 sand bells at same time for 75lb weight. This was not enough of a challenge.

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