Friday, June 2, 2017

10 Minute EMOM:
1 Strict Press, increasing
Rest 3 Minutes
10 Minute EMOM:
1 Push Press, increasing

Barbell Conditioning
“For The Glory”
36 Rounds, every 10 seconds complete:
1 Thruster (45)*
*Rest in overhead hold. Anyone who puts the bar down to the ground before the workout is finished, will start 6 minutes of burpees. If you cannot maintain lockout during the “rest” you can scale to resting in the front rack position.

Notes: For presses, I decided to work up to a heavy number within the first six rounds and then finish with a modest amount. For presses, best lift was 155/115 and for push presses 195/155. I failed at 165 on the press in round six.

The conditioning piece is essentially a 6 minute overhead hold. My shoulders were smoked from the STRENGTH portion as well as double Grace from this morning. 

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