Tuesday, December 19, 2017

10 push jerks (145)
20 pistols
30 GHD situps
40 wall balls
50 handstand shoulder taps
60 calorie row
50 handstand shoulder taps
40 wall balls
30 GHD situps
20 pistols
10 push jerks (145)

Notes: Keep moving. Find a pace that allows you to move with purpose and finish most sets with 1-2 breaks max. This was not the case for me -- I was struggling to keep moving and when I did my movement was lethargic. For example, row was done in 4:00 and 972m. Not sure the reason for this, just know that I can give a much stronger effort. Subbed strict press with 35lb KB while holding KB locked out in non-working arm (10 per side).

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