27-21-15-9 reps of:
Wallballs (20/14)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55)
Box Jumps (24/20)
Push Presses (75/55)
Calorie Row
This workout includes the same order and movements from the benchmark workout “Fight Gone Bad”. In this version, the reps are set instead of the time and the rest period is taken out. The weight on the barbell should be light, something that athletes could complete 25+ repetitions unbroken when fresh. Using one barbell with one weight for both movements today.
Notes: I did this workout in the cardio room of the Y -- used 15lb ball, 44lb KB for SDHP, 24-inch box and 26lb KBs for the push press. If using the barbell, I think 65lbs would be a good weight for the intended stimulus. My intent was to do every set UB and take limited rest during the transition to each subsequent movement. I was able to do all sets unbroken, the round of 21 was the most taxing on my lungs and I needed to recover most during this round. Row was done in 1:34(27), 1:15(21), 0:50(15) and 0:31(9). This translates to just under a 2:00/500m pace.
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