Friday, December 8, 2017

A1: Dead-Stop Strict HSPU, 6 reps
A2: Weighted Dips, 3 reps
*no lockout and no ROM equals no rep for both movements

Notes: For HSPU the athlete's head must come to a complete stop at bottom before each ascent. For the dips, I held a 30-lb sandbell between my knees.

4 Sets of 15:
Unbroken Deadlifts (225/155)
*rest as little as needed between rounds.

Notes: I used 225lbs for this effort, but only completed three sets. All sets were UB and I attempted each set at 0:00, 3:00 and 6:00. I probably could have recovered for a fourth set, but with all the posterior midline work this week (high rep back extensions and bag walks the last two days), I was smoked.

2 Sets of 30 GHD Sit-Ups
*rest as needed between sets (aim for unbroken).

Notes: First set was 20/10; Second set was 16/14. Fresh this is a very achievable goal.

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