Tuesday, December 5, 2017

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of 20-inch box jumps
1 minute of 45-lb. KB sumo deadlift high pulls
2 minutes of 20-inch box jumps
2 minutes of 45-lb. KB sumo deadlift high pulls
3 minutes of 20-inch box jumps
3 minutes of 45-lb. KB sumo deadlift high pulls

Post reps for each set to comments.

1: 16/20
2: 27/32
3: 34/41
170 total reps

Notes: Workout at Brandywine Y using the soft plyo box. Every rep must begin with both feet on the floor. RX'd athletes must use a two-foot takeoff and a two-foot landing. The rep finishes with the athlete standing with the hips and knees fully extended while in control on top of the box. The athlete may jump down or step down as long as they start each rep with both feet on the ground and finsih each rep with both feet on the box. 

5 rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest 

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