Friday, December 8, 2017

For time:
-100m 1-arm OH KB carry, right arm (2x 35#)
-100m 2-arm farmers carry (2x 35#)
-100m 1-arm OH KB carry, left arm (2x 35#)
-100m 2-arm farmers carry, (2x 35#)

Note: For the 1-arm OH carries, the “resting” arm will hold the 2nd KB in the front rack position. You will have 2 KB with you the entire 400 meters. Goal is to complete the 400m without setting down the KB.

Complete 4 rounds of:
-374m row (Goal is 64-68sec)
-Rest as needed
1:22.2/27 cals
1:22.0/27 cals
1:21.6/27 cals
1:21.6/27 cals
Three Sets of:
Weighted sit-ups x 20 (hold 25lb plate overhead)
1-arm kettlebell press while holding other arm overhead x 10 each arm.

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