Sunday, December 10, 2017

1. Power Snatch -- Work up to heavy single in 10:00, then:
-10 Rounds; Every 0:30 Seconds -- 2x Power Snatch
2. Snatch Push Press 5X5 Across. This should be close to your 1RM Snatch.
Tabata row (800m is the goal). A 1-rep HSPU penalty is enforced for each 5m below the standard.
-Rest 1 minute, then:
-AMRAP in 5 minutes of: KB snatch, alternating (35lb)
*Score = KB snatch reps

1. Best lift was 150lbs. Used same weight for snatch push press.
2. Used 115lbs for the 10 round snatch. Hit 'em all.

Tabata: 742m (12 HSPU penalty)
KB Snatch: 66 reps

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