Monday, November 12, 2018

Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Lesson plan from @crossfit training department

Notes: The primary goal for the day is to establish a new PB on the front squat. The high number of sets allows for a gradual build-up with near max loads being reached by set 5 or 6.

1 round of:
2:00 jump rope
20 sit-up
20 back extensions
20 squats (reps 1-10 air, 11-20 light goblet)

Front Squat warm-up (empty bar):

20 front rack in-and-outs
5 frankenstein squats
5 full or hook-grip front squats
5 front squats

Front Squat build-up:

Every 90 seconds
5 with light load
4 with light to moderate load
3 with moderate load
2 with moderate to heavy load
2 with 75% of anticipated top set for the day

  • Perform a set every 2.5 mins for the first 4 before transitioning to performing a set every 3.5 mins. 
  • Build up in load for the first 5-6 sets before backing the weight down and finishing the remaining sets.


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