Saturday, November 10, 2018

30 snatches for time


Followed lesson plan from @crossfit training department.

This warm-up focuses on raising the heart rate, getting the blood flowing and moving the joints through a range of motion demanded by the workout.
2 rounds of:
:45 jump rope
15 good mornings (12lb bar)
10 lunge steps + PVC pass-throughs
:30 handstand hold
10 v-ups

Power Snatch Buildup:
Every 2:00 for 5 sets, perform 3 touch-and-go power snatches. Build to loads slightly above the intended workout weight for the day.

Finalize scaling load to reduce breaks and maintain high intensity. Ideally, athletes should use a load that will allow them to perform 5-7 touch-and-go reps.

This cool-down focuses on recovering from the workout demands, some skill development and finally, light stretching of the lower back to aid in recovery. For the plank hold, add weight if able.
3:00 bike/row at an easy pace
Accumulate 2:00 in a plank hold
Supine twist stretch, 1:30 per side

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