Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Halfway to the Bottom 
2021 RR Summer Splash Workout #1
Row 5517m for time

The Mariana trench is 11,034m deep (almost 7 miles) and as much fun as that would be...we're only going halfway down for this one. 

A) First 2000m row time
B) Total 5517m row time

I was at Lionville Y for this workout. Both of the rowers need to be cleaned out as I had to set the damper to 7 to get a drag factor of 101. Came out a little conservative and picked up the pace and rate as I went along. 

5:00 AMRAP
5 Front Plate Raises
10 Plate Bicep Curls
5 Plate Presses 

Held 10# plate - try to keep moving for the entire five minutes.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

SkiErg Intervals 
14 rounds
1:00 work // 1:00 rest
🎯 2K + 7 

I don't really know what my 2K pace would be on the SkiErg so I tried to keep all rounds at or around  a 2:15/500m pace which felt right. Looking back at the post where I pulled this workout, this was supposed to be done at a 40 stroke rate (equivalent to 28-30 on the rower). 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

That's a wrap on the Dog Days Challenge! πŸ•πŸ•
Week 1: 32,352m
Week 2: 20,520m
Week 3: 32,512m
Week 4: 42,584m

Finished with my highest monthly total ever -- almost 128,000m! Most impressive, I was able to get this done all while staying with family during the month of August before we get into the new house. 

Row Conditioning 
10 minutes @ r24
Rest 4 minutes
5 minutes @ r28
Rest 2 minutes
2 minutes @ r32
I messed up with programming the monitor and kept the 4 minute rest between r28 & r32. Not a bad effort overall, but that r28 could be a few ticks faster. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The 12 Rows of Christmas (@the_row_series)

Pacing recommendations are based off of 2K pace (1:57.6). 

And to all a great night! This was paced and rated pretty close to perfect. I find it a little tougher to hold the 32 or 34 while keeping a long stroke. There is a fine line between selling out and a controlled intensity. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Row Conditioning 
Rate Capped 2K (20 s/m)
DF 118

Opted for a 2K rather than a third round of the above intervals. This was slower than I hoped (thought 2:10 was reasonable). I finished up with a 15-minute cool down with the damper turned down all the way to 1-- trying to get to the 40K needed for the last week of the Dog Days challenge. 
Rowing Intervals 
10 Rounds 
40 seconds work
20 seconds rest
Repeat it and beat it! 
During your first set of ten, aim for a steady effort that can be maintained somewhat easily. Call this your warm-up set. Rest a few minutes, then try ten more rounds. With this set aim to increase your power output during all ten intervals, enough to beat your effort from your previous set. My aim was 2:05 or below for the 'warm-up' sets and 2:00 or below for the work sets. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Recovery Row 
Time: 30 mins
Pace: 2k plus 25 (2:21.7)
Rate: Strict 18 s/m
DF: 117

I wasn't going to do anything today as I felt like πŸ’© but I needed to log some meters for the last week the dog days challenge so I ended up with a low rate, low pace, low stress effort. 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Row Series IX - Event 3 -I'm The King Of The Erg
Row 2000m | Rest 1:00 minute
Row 1000m | Rest 2:00 minutes
Row 3000m | Rest 3:00 minutes
Row 1000m | Rest 2:00 minutes
Row 2000m
3A: 3000m time (13:15.4)
3B: Total time (39:51.7)

Friday, August 20, 2021

Row Conditioning 
8x3:00 work // 1:00 rest
🎯 30 minute goal pace
DF 120

This is shorter rest than the 10x3:00 you did last month. However, the goal is the same. We are looking to match or exceed the pace set that afternoon. This was pretty consistent and felt smooth although the first round needs to be faster. 

Accessory Work
4 sets:
20 SA banded tricep extensions
20 banded seated rows 
60 seconds rest

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Row Conditioning 
Time: 20 minutes
-> 2 x 10 minute segments
No rest between, set monitor to single time (20:00) with 10:00 splits. 
🎯 r18 for 1st 10:00 and r22 for last 10:00

The focus today is not on intensity, rather to find a flow and practice hanging out at a lower stroke rate. 

Barbell Gymnastics
10X1 Hang Power Snatch
Work to a heavy single for the day, rest as needed. Take the bar from just above the knee. 

Best lift was 140-pounds. While I was able to get the 145-pound bar overhead and locked out, there was too much of a press out to consider a successful lift. Not bad considering I have only touched a barbell a handful of times in the last 6 months. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 33 | 08/08/2021
Row Version:
2 Rounds
Row 1000 Meters - HARD
2 Min Recovery - Row Slow
Row 750 Meters - HARD
2 Min Recovery - Row Slow
Row 500 Meters - HARD
2 Min REST

Goal: Hold similar pace for all of the efforts. Round 2 should take same time as Round 1!
Score time is TOTAL time including slow recovery rows and the 2 min rest. Clock stops after second 500.

SCORE: 28:44.9

No rest until the end of the round - so move straight from the HARD pace to the RECOVERY pace without stopping.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Accessory Work
21-15-9 reps of:
Banded Good Mornings
Banded Triceps Pulldowns (each arm) 


Four Sets of 15 Reps (each side)
Uneven Press Outs with Weighted Bar
Concept2 Workout of the Week #10 
The Perfect PM Memory Screen

8 sets of 500m // 2 mins rest

The catch here is that all intervals need to be at the same pace and rate to create what is considered a *perfect* screen. Hold back from going out too hot. Set my goals after finishing the first interval. This was done on the PM3 at Boyertown Y, having ErgData to track stroke count would help here. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Five Rounds: 
Row 2020m
Rest 3 minutes
DF 123

Kept this real chill as there have been some more intense efforts in the last week. Went in thinking I'd only do three rounds, but because of the low rate and slower pace, I decided to tack on a couple of additional rounds. 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Row Conditioning 
A: Timed
8 minutes
Rate: 24
🎯 2K + 12

B: Sprint Intervals
12 x :35 work // :35 rest
Rate: Open
🎯 2K or faster

C: Timed
8 minutes
Rate: 26
🎯 Match or exceed pace from part A

*2 minutes rest between each piece

Friday, August 13, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 30 | 07/18/2021
Bike Version 
5-4-3-2 Rounds // 4 Minutes Rest Between
90 Seconds ON
30 Seconds OFF

**All intervals should be FAST (uncomfortable but sustainable)

Goal: Cover same amount of CALORIES for EVERY 90 second interval. Find what you can maintain without it ever being easy or impossible.

This was done on the AirDyne at some Y up by Lindsay's house. I found it was easier to accumulate calories on the AirDyne. On the assault bike, this would be closer to a 20 or 21 calorie average. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Row 888m
Rest 90 seconds
Row 888m
Rest 90 seconds
Row 888m
Rest 5 minutes
Row 88 seconds

21.4a: Fastest 888m (3:35.7)
21.4b: Slowest 888m (3:45.7)
21.4c: 88 second distance (401m)

This was a solid effort all around! Came out a little conservative the first round, but bumped up the pace and rate for the next two intervals. Coming off a 5 minute rest after the last distance interval, I knew I could sprint the entire 88 seconds. The rowers at Boyerstown Y were old Model C, which were last manufactured in 2003, but they still worked well. I was able to dial into a 115 drag at damper 5. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Dark Horse Rowing 10 Minute Build (2202m)

On the Concept 2: 
2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 3 min, 2 min pyramid / 2 min easy
Pre-set the monitor for 22 minutes. Row seven intervals in a pyramid of 2-3-4-3-2 minutes, with two minutes of rest in between each piece.

Rate: 27
Drag Factor: 113

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Row Conditioning
12 x 1:30 work // 1:00 rest 
🎯 2K +12 @r18
DF 114

I wanted to keep these a little faster than the target pace - overall, very happy with these numbers. Next week, you are going a couple beats faster at r20. This was messed up by someone interrupting me during the tenth interval. Fastest was 2:04.3 (round eleven) and slowest 2:10.0 (round one). I ended up doing a thirteenth round to make up for the interruption. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

From @tucsonrowing; 
1 Minute TT Build-Up
Part 1: First hit a :40 second time trial flat out
Part 2: 8 x :30 work // 1:30 rest (logged separately)

Start at 28spm and attempt to keep same pace but drop stroke rate by 2spm each interval. Try to hold pace steady (80%ish of 500m). If you start at 28, you'll finish at 14spm.

Started with 2:00.9 r28 and was able to meet or exceed this pace through 18spm. Did not meet the goal at 16 (2:02.9) and 14 (2:08.2) rate intervals. 

Row Conditioning 

15 minutes with rate increase

Row a single 15 minute piece. The first five minutes @ 20 spm. Then four minutes @ 22 spm, three @ 24, two @ 26 and one @ 28.

This came courtesy of Concept2's workout of the day. This was one where I let the rate carry me through each interval. Opened at about 2:15 for the r20 work and steadily increased to about 2:02 for the r28 interval. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Rowmania Workout 21.1 - Austin 3:16 
Row 1600m 
Rest 1 minutes
Row 1600m
Rest 3 minutes
Row 1600m 

A: Third 1600m time (6:42.9)
B: 4800m time (20:29.7)

Friday, August 6, 2021

Build The Base 
Row 5000 meters
-Every 3 minutes, complete 10 goblet squats holding a 16kg (35lb) kettlebell
TIME: 28:46.1 

This was a GRIND! This workout comes courtesy of @spealprogramming and as written was 10 wall balls (14lbs) to a 12-foot target. Staying with my folks this week, the Dover Y did not have an area where I could throw the wall ball so I subbed goblet squats instead. Did not have a target rate in mind, held around 2:15-2:20/500m pace throughout at varying rates. Gonna be sore for sure as I have not done squats of any kind in 5 or 6 months. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Rowing Time Intervals 
6x5:00 work // 2:00 rest
🎯 2K +18 to start
DF 120

Felt good and hit my stroke rate targets for each interval. Staying at my parent's house this week while we wait for closing on the new house in WC. Was excited (and a little bit surprised) to find a PM5 at the Dover Y. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Workout 55 - RowErg - Pendulum Conundrum
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

Workout 55: We find our balance for but a brief moment. Then, our environment changes and we are met with new challenges. Uncomfortable, yes; this is where we grow. Let the rate do the work here. I started a little slower than I should have on the first interval considering that DF (119) is my sweet spot. The r30 @ 9 and r28 @ 8 were just plain nasty πŸ‘½πŸ‘Ή

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Row Conditioning  
6x750m // 4:00r
DF 90

With these low rate, low drag efforts you are going to need to bring the power. Keep your chin up. Keep your chest up and keep that stroke as long as you can with your short body. I didn't check the drag before putting this one in the monitor and the first interval was only at 69 DF and second at 80 DF. 

Monday, August 2, 2021

30:00 continuous as follows: 
15 mins @ 22 s/m
10 mins @ 24 s/m
5 mins @ 26 s/m

2K PB + 16-18 seconds to start at r22
Increase pace -2/-3 seconds from the previous pace at r24;
Further -3/-4 seconds at r26.

Drag: 125

Be patient early and let the rate do the work. We are building speed throughout the piece, so there is no need to smash the early 15:00 at r22.