Thursday, August 19, 2021

Row Conditioning 
Time: 20 minutes
-> 2 x 10 minute segments
No rest between, set monitor to single time (20:00) with 10:00 splits. 
🎯 r18 for 1st 10:00 and r22 for last 10:00

The focus today is not on intensity, rather to find a flow and practice hanging out at a lower stroke rate. 

Barbell Gymnastics
10X1 Hang Power Snatch
Work to a heavy single for the day, rest as needed. Take the bar from just above the knee. 

Best lift was 140-pounds. While I was able to get the 145-pound bar overhead and locked out, there was too much of a press out to consider a successful lift. Not bad considering I have only touched a barbell a handful of times in the last 6 months. 

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