Thursday, August 12, 2021

Row 888m
Rest 90 seconds
Row 888m
Rest 90 seconds
Row 888m
Rest 5 minutes
Row 88 seconds

21.4a: Fastest 888m (3:35.7)
21.4b: Slowest 888m (3:45.7)
21.4c: 88 second distance (401m)

This was a solid effort all around! Came out a little conservative the first round, but bumped up the pace and rate for the next two intervals. Coming off a 5 minute rest after the last distance interval, I knew I could sprint the entire 88 seconds. The rowers at Boyerstown Y were old Model C, which were last manufactured in 2003, but they still worked well. I was able to dial into a 115 drag at damper 5. 

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