Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Halfway to the Bottom 
2021 RR Summer Splash Workout #1
Row 5517m for time

The Mariana trench is 11,034m deep (almost 7 miles) and as much fun as that would be...we're only going halfway down for this one. 

A) First 2000m row time
B) Total 5517m row time

I was at Lionville Y for this workout. Both of the rowers need to be cleaned out as I had to set the damper to 7 to get a drag factor of 101. Came out a little conservative and picked up the pace and rate as I went along. 

5:00 AMRAP
5 Front Plate Raises
10 Plate Bicep Curls
5 Plate Presses 

Held 10# plate - try to keep moving for the entire five minutes.

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