Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Double Pyramids 
2x 19 mins as follows:
4 @r18, 3 @r20, 2 @r22, 1 @r24, 2 @r22, 3 @r20, 4 @r18
2 mins rest
4 @r20, 3 @r22, 2 @r24, 1 @r26, 2 @r24, 3 @r22, 4 @r20

When going from an 18 stroke rating to a 20 you should focus on more pressure with the legs and quickly redirecting the hands through the finish.  This will help increase the stroke rating while leaving you the same amount of time to sit up, breathe, and relax as you slide forward on the recovery.

3 rounds
30 banded pull-apart (red mini-band)
30 banded pushdowns (red mini-band) *last round was two hands with green band

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