Wednesday, April 19, 2023

For Max Load:
15-12-9 reps of Hang Power Snatch
-Must be touch and go
-Increase load with each set
-Rest as needed between sets


This is a play on the Crossfit classic Gwen - subbed snatches and increased the load with each set rather than using the same weight. First two bars were not too much of an issue, but the 115-pound bar was a fight for the last three reps. I don't spend enough time doing OLY lifts or barbell cycling anymore so I wasn't sure what I'd be capable of here but weights were comparable to when I last tried this in 2018. If you want to stay true to Gwen format, try 95 or 100-pounds across all rounds. 

3x12 SA KB Bottoms-Up Press 
4x12+:10 Hollow Rocks + Hollow Hold

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