Friday, April 13, 2018

5 sets:
Clean x 3
-build in weight, starting around 65%
-it goes without mentioning that all cleans involve a squat, and so it shall not be mentioned.

5 sets:
Strict Press x 6 (135)
-no push pressing here

Power Clean (115)
Hanging Knee Raises

Notes: Cleans were solid, focused on dip to knees before big pull. I felt this had an impact on my cleans -- I was catching the bar at a much higher place. No misses and best set was 195lbs, which matches my previous 1RM!! The press was supposed to be sets of 8, the weight I chose was too ambitous so I scaled to sets of 6. Subbed knee raises for toes to bar as my grip was smoked by the time I got to the conditioning piece.

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