Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Aerobic Capacity + Midline
For Time:
5,000 Meter Assault Bike
Every 1,000 Meters, complete a :45 Second D-Ball Hold (100) at belly level.

50 Calorie Row
10 Deadlifts (225)
25 GHD Situps
10 Deadlifts (225)
50 Calorie Row

Notes: Row was approx. 760m and 3:00 each time out. Deadlifts unbroken at this weight. RX'd was 315/205 -- should have gone heavier on the deadlifts (255).

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

21-15-9 reps of:
DB snatch (70)

Notes: This was done at Brandywine Y. Snatch at this weight for this reps was tough, with longer rest periods than I would have liked. Ideally, reps should be broken up so that rest periods are limited to 10-15 seconds on each of these movements.
Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Notes: You should try for a PR in the later sets.

95-115-135-135-145-145-155(f)-155(f)-150-135 (pounds)

5 rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest  

5 Sets for QUALITY:
5-second hollow hold
5 v-ups
5 toe touches
5 tuck crunches
5-second hollow hold
*goal is to finish this as one 'complex' without the heels touching the ground.

Notes: Did the midline complex in the 'off' minutes of overhead hold. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

For Time:
200 Meter Run
27 Wallballs  (20-lb)
27 Box Jumps (20-inch)
200 Meter Run
21 Wallballs
21 Box Jumps
200 Meter Run
15 Wallballs
15 Box Jumps
200 Meter Run
9 Wallballs
9 Box Jumps
200 Meter Run

“Meter Maid” could be considered a shorter version of the CrossFit benchmark workout “Kelly”, which is 5 Rounds for time of a 400 Meter Run, 30 Wallballs, and 30 Box Jumps. The weight on the medicine ball should be something that athletes are confident in completing the first 27 repetitions unbroken if they needed to. Within the workout, these bigger sets will likely be broken up once or twice. If unable to run, complete one of the following:
250 Meter Row
20/14 Calorie Schwinn Bike
14/10 Calorie Assault Bike

Notes: Workout at Brandywine Y - used 20lb ball and 20-inch foam box. Did box jumps here - not step-ups. Wall balls were unbroken and box jumps were broken once each set. Row was done at 1:50/500m pace.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

15:00 Recovery Assault Bike
On the 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00: 15 abmat situps

Notes: Something to consider here is the pace of the first ride. Athletes should look to push the pace here, but at a speed that they are confident in immediately getting off the bike for an unbroken set of sit-ups. Look to empty the tank with whatever is left on the last bike interval knowing there is nothing to follow. 

Held 250+ average watts across all intervals.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
7 box jumps
14 kettlebell swings

Men: 36-in. box and 32-kg kettlebell

Notes: Each round in this AMRAP should be challenging but still completed quickly if not unbroken. Reduce the height and loading in order to maintain a fast pace throughout.

Scaled to 24-in. box and 20-kg (44-lb.) kettlebell

7 rounds + 11 KB swings

Friday, October 26, 2018

Crossfit Games Open WOD 12.2
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

90 Reps

Note: Used Rx'd weight for women. Broke as follows:
45lb - 2 sets of 15
75lb - 3sets of 10
100lb - 5 sets of 6

Thursday, October 25, 2018

assault bike calories, rest 1:1

Bike 10,000 meters
-used Precor upright stationary bike

30 evil wheels
40 v-ups
50 sit-ups

Tabata barbell overhead hold
-95lb barbell

Had to drop weight to 65lb after 4 rounds

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

8 rounds, on the 2:00 start interval
-3 deadlifts
- start @ 70% and go up

Began at 235 and went up. Failed at 325 - back is still sore from all the back extensions on Monday. Need to put in a better warmup before doing heavy deadlifts.

Box shoulder stretch 4X0:20
3 immediate PVC raises after each interval

Static Shaping
3X0:30 Handstand Hold

For 4:00, 0:20 on / 0:10 off Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
20 dumbbell push presses
40 double-unders

 Men: 40-lb. dumbbells

Notes: Subbed 2:1 singles with heavy rope.  This workout is quick and will challenge shoulder stamina.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
14 calories, C2
14 kettlebell swings

 Men:44-lb kettlebell

A: 3 Rounds
B: 3 Rounds + 11 Calories

Monday, October 22, 2018

A: Five rounds for time of:
30 GHD situps
25 Back extensions

B: 6X4 Bench Press

A: 15:27
B: 135-185-205-225-235-245lb. 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

WZA 2018 Indy Online Challenge WOD 2&3
8 Minute Clock

Workout 2 / 0-3 Minute
Max Rep Clean & Jerk (165, 115lbs)

Transition / 3-5 Minute

Workout 3 / 5-8 Minute
1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk

WOD 2: 18 reps
WOD 3: 185lbs 

Notes: Scaled load to 135 for max reps portion of event. For max load, went 155-175-195(f) and then 185. Should have started with a heavier load.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Tabata Squats
150 Sit-ups
Record lowest round and total time for situps.
15 (134 total) reps / 11:47
Cash Out:
5 rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest 
Friday 181019
Tabata Push Jerk (75)
Tabata TRX Row
Tabata Pushups (Hand Release)
Tabata Hang Snatch (75)

Post best & worst score for each exercise.

PJ: 13 & 9
TRX: 9 & 5
PU: 11 & 6
SN: 7 & 5

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Reverse Annie
10-20-30-40-50 reps for time:
ab-mat situps
double unders

Notes: Annie was the first benchmark workout developed by the main site and it is a really fun one, but also quite challenging due to the intensity it should be performed at, and because of the high skill of the double under. The added challenge today is the rep scheme is reversed so the end of this workout will get really tough. On top of that, the movement pattern is flipped making the dubs a bit more od a challenge than they already are.

Scale the dubs as follows: lesser volume, pick an amount of time per corresponding volume to try and get as many as you can, or singles. If doing singles, double the volume each set.

Note: Timer was messed up after initial round although I was moving at a pretty good clip. I subbed heavy rope singles at 3:1 for double unders - I need to read more carefully as the sub was 2:1. No ab-mat since I was not at home so standard for situps was hands touch ground behind head and in front of feet at top of situp.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Assault Bike Intervals
-Every 3 minutes for 24 minutes
-0:45 max effort / 2:15 rest
-Score is total calories

Assault Intervals

Barbell Conditioning
With a running clock…
A. At the 0:00
Complete 12 rounds of 1 Power Clean at 60% every 40 seconds (this set is 8 mins)
B. At the 12:00
Complete 12 rounds of 1 Power Snatch at 60% every 40 seconds (this set is 8 mins)
C. At the 24:00
Complete 4 rounds:
15 unbroken HSPU

A: 120 (200lb clean)
B: 95 (155lb snatch)
C: Was able to get rounds 1,2 & 4 unbroken. 3rd round was broken 9 & 6.
CashOut: 100 Band Pull-Aparts (red band)

Notes: The Power Cleans and Snatches listed below are part of a progression. Follow the designated percentages and time constraints exactly. These are not heavy lifts – they are fast. Olympic lifting is equal parts (1) Strength, (2) Technique, and (3) Speed. Use today to build the SPEED. Much like max-effort 10m sprints produce incredible speed even though they aren’t too taxing on your muscle or lungs, these lifts will do the same. Give them everything you have.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

5 rounds for time of:
In 60 seconds, row for max calories.
Pistols (alt. R/L)
For every round, complete a total of 32 reps (or calories) in each round. For example, if you row 25 calories, complete 7 Pistols for that round.

Calories: 22-20-22-21-20
Total Time: 19:21
Meters: 1404

Monday, October 15, 2018

Tabata (20 Rounds)
20 sec. Max Cals Assault Bike
10 sec. Rest
* Scored by total calories *

124 Calories

Tabata (20 Rounds)

Single-dumbbell overhead squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Bench press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
5 attempts at a max set of triple-unders

DB OHS: 45-55-65-75-85lbs.
Bench Press: 185-205-225-235-245lbs.
Subbed 5 mins of DU practice instead of the triples. 

Notes: Start heavier on the OHS. Would try this again starting at 70lb. with goal of 100lb. for last set. I was able to snatch the DB from the ground pretty easily, even at 85lb. The bench was an easy set of 3 through the 235lb bar. I was arching my back on the last two reps at 245lb bar. The standard from 2018 Regionals Linda is that the athlete's feet must remain in contact with the floor and the athlete's glutes must remain in contact with the bench for the duration of the rep. With that standard, these were good reps.

100 Weighted AbMat Sit-Ups
Reps 1-25: Heaviest Load (25lb plate)
Reps 26-50: Slightly Lighter (15lb KB)
Reps 51-75: Slightly Lighter (10lb plate)
Reps 76-100: No Load

Friday, October 12, 2018

50 Sit-Ups
500m row
1:00 Handstand Hold
50 Box Jumps (24)
1:00 Handstand Hold
500m row
50 Sit-Ups

Notes: Row was done in approx. two minutes each. My shoulders were smoked from the pressing yesterday and DB snatches this morning. I broke each hold around :45 seconds -- this should normally be done unbroken. Step-ups to a 24-inch box -- 25 with left leg, then 25 with right leg, unbroken.
Tuesday 160607 Mainsite WOD
200 heavy rope singles
100 dumbell power snatch @ 55lbs
200 heavy rope singles


 Notes:  Scaled to power snatch, although it was almost more of a muscle snatch.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
GHD situps
75-lb. shoulder presses

Notes: Used (2) 35lb KB for the strict press as I did this workout in the cardio room downstairs. Went unbroken on all sets, but intensity was dialed down due to being sore and tired.

Accessory Work
5 rounds
30 sec. dead hang from pull-up bar (arms extended)
1 min rest

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Recovery Assault Bike
20 Minute Recovery Effort

-6.1 miles
-159 average watts
For time:
100 Squats
5 Muscle-ups
75 Squats
10 Muscle-ups
50 Squats
15 Muscle-ups
25 Squats
20 Muscle-ups


Notes: Subbed bench press @ 155lb for muscle-ups.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

In as few sets as possible, complete 150 GHD sit-ups
-Anytime you break, do 50 singles


Deadlift 10-10-5-5-3-3 reps

Notes: Athlete should err on the heavy side.

225 (10)
245 (10)
275 (5)
295 (5)
305 (3)
315 (3)

5 rounds for time of:
1 sub-0:48 250m row
100 unbroken single unders

Notes: I scaled to sub-0:50 and 75 heavy rope singles. If the row takes longer than allotted time or if you trip up on your single unders, redo that segment before moving back to the other exercise. Due to time constraints, took a 5 burpee penalty to be paid at the end of the workout instead of redoing.

Row was 52.4, 51.7, 51.0, 51.6 and 52.5. Jump rope was unbroken each round -- should have stayed with 100 even with the heavy rope. I owed 25 burpees at the end of this workout #PayTheMan

Monday, October 8, 2018

For Time:
100 Cals, AAB
100 Situps

Notes: Did not keep time as I was watching Netflix on my phone while on the bike. This was a slow pace though, took about 11 minutes to get the 100 cals.
A: 4 rounds for time of:
1600m bike (400m run)
150m farmers carry (200m carry)
Men: 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: 35-lb. dumbbells

Notes: Choose a set of dumbbells that you can carry 200 meters without setting down when fresh. This workout should be a steady effort. Avoid stopping to rest. RX'd workout is in bold above.

Used 35-lb KB for walk -- all sets were done unbroken. Rode Precor upright bike at level 12 (mile time was approx. 3:30 each round).

B: AMRAP 15:00:
15 calories, C2
10 bench press (135)

5 rounds + 15 calories

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
200-m row
50 double-unders

Notes: Scaled to heavy rope singles

4 rounds plus 27m row

Friday, October 5, 2018

A: Bench Press 5-5-5

B: For Time
21 strict press
42 weighted sit-ups
15 strict press
30 weighted sit-ups
09 strict press
18 weighted sit-ups

Shoulder Press: 95 lb.
Situps: 10 lb.

Notes: Did not keep time for this effort as I am dealing with a cold and wanted to just punch my card today.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

For time:
21 bench press
42 weighted sit-ups
15 bench press
30 weighted sit-ups
09 bench press
18 weighted sit-ups

Bench: 135 lb.
Situps: 10 lb.


Notes: Held 10lb plate overhead - standard for situps is plate must touch ground above head at bottom of rep and floor in front of feet at top of rep. Broke up the bench press early, but rested no more than :10 before getting back on the bar.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

2018 Team Series Event 2
For Time (scaled):
20 cleans, 95lb.
20 cleans, 135lb.
20 cleans, 155lb.
Time cap: 7 minutes

Notes: As RX'd is squat cleans - I opted for hang power cleans.

Time Finished
20 cleans @ 95lbs
20 cleans @ 135lbs
20 cleans @ 155lbs
Incomplete (9 reps)
Total Reps @ 7:00 cap
49 reps

2018 Team Series Event 6
2 rounds for time of:
50-cal. row
25 handstand push-ups


Notes: Row was approximately 3:10 per round at 2:00/500m pace. HSPU were tougher than I thought -- broke 13/6/6 each round.