Tuesday, December 31, 2019

On the Minute x 7
2 Deadlifts
Build each set

Notes: 319lbs was best lift

3 Supersets:
20 Weighted Sit-ups
1 Minute D-Ball Hold (100)
Rest as needed between sets

Notes: For situps, I held a 15lb plate - must touch ground behind head and in front of feet at top of situp.
"The Prince"
5 Rounds, resting 1:00 between efforts:
40 Heavy Rope Singles
9 KB Thrusters (35)
40 Heavy Rope Singles
15 Calorie Row

Accessory Work
5 rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45lb barbell)
1 minute rest

Monday, December 30, 2019

3 Rounds
35 Calorie Row
3 Rounds
25 Calorie Row
3 Rounds
15 Calorie Row

Notes: Rest 1:30 between each round. Damper was set to 5 with drag factor at 112.


4 Rounds
40 Air Squats
30 Straight Leg Situps
20 Calorie Row

Notes: This workout was written with 20 cal bike, subbed rower since I did this at the Y. Tried to hold 1150 cals/hour pace on the rower with the goal of finishing each row at or around a minute.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

2017 Workout 1 Row'd Royalty

3 Rounds of 500m Row / 3 Minute Rest

17.1A Fastest 500m Time........(1:46.7)
17.1B Slowest 500m Time.......(1:49.8)
17.1C Total Rowing Time........(5:24.6)

Notes: This was not the plan going in. After warming up and starting a couple of different workouts, I settled on this test. The first 500 was actually rowed as part of 1000m test and that is the reason it was slowest of the three rounds. My goal was to keep everything under 1:50.0.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

9 Rounds, OT2M: 
330 meter row 
2K + 8 
2K + 4
Repeat this cycle three times for a total of nine rounds. 

Did this while up at Lindsay’s for the weekend. Upper Perk Y had some OLD rowers - PM3s that only got up to 100 DF even with damper cranked up to 10. I kept the drag at 81 for this effort and focused on strong pulls and hitting my targets.

Friday, December 27, 2019

For Time:
150 Push-ups (only rest in the plank)
*Start with 10 GHDs, every time you break, and finish*


Notes: Completed the push-ups in 10 sets.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Odd-Object Conditioning
21 Calorie Assault Bike, 5 Sandbag Cleans
Rest 1:00
18 Calorie Assault Bike, 5 Sandbag Cleans
Rest 1:00
15 Calorie Assault Bike, 5 Sandbag Cleans
Rest 1:00
12 Calorie Assault Bike, 5 Sandbag Cleans
Rowing Annie
500m Row
50 Straight Leg Sit-ups
400m Row
40 Straight Leg Sit-ups
300m Row
30 Straight Leg Sit-ups
200m Row
20 Straight Leg Sit-ups
100m Row
10 Straight Leg Sit-ups

Notes: Wanted to hold the rows at or around 2K pace (1:56.6). The 500 was slower (2:02.8) and the 100 was faster (1:52.5). Overall time was 5:57.2 for the 1500 meters.
500m Time Trial 
DF: 135

This is the second weekly attempt at the 500m TT and my first attempt sub-1:40! Start hard, fight through that last 175m or so and keep the stroke rate up. The higher the better. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

14 x 2:00 work intervals with no rest in between

2:00 / 1:45 / 1:30 / 1:15 / 1:00 / 0:45 / 0:30 / 0:30 / 0:45 / 1:00 / 1:15 / 1:30 / 1:45 / 2:00

Each two minute interval that passes, we will increase the amount of rest by 0:15 seconds, until we reach the interval with 0:30 seconds work. At that point, we will gradually decrease the amount of each rest interval by 0:15 seconds until we get back to the 2:00 work interval. As the time of work decreases, we will work to increase the amount of power (in watts). Since I am treating this as a recovery row, the goal should be to keep average watts at or around 190.

Time: 17:30.0
Distance: 4257 meters
Watts (average): 187
Pace (per 500m): 2:03.3

Monday, December 23, 2019

Row Series II - Event 4 - Light The Fuse
Row 100m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 200m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 300m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 400m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 500m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 2,000m                         

Scores are:
A) Time for 2,000m
B) Total time

A: 8:10.8
B: 14:14.0


Notes: The 30 second recovery felt like nothing. I was afraid to go out too fast and burning out for the 2K. My plan was to stay close to my 2K pace and hold on as long as possible. I knew I would be giving time back on the first five intervals but the 2000m would be enough to make up for it. Kept stroke rate at 26 for each interval except the 500 which dropped to 24. If I do this again, I'd aim to keep all intervals at 2:00/500m pace.

Compare to 20190427

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Saturday, December 21, 2019

500m Time Trial 
DF: 118

This is the first attempt at the 500m TT. Turn the DF up next time out. Want to give in to the pain so badly around 75 seconds in but find a way to push through it. Focus on keeping each of your 100m splits at or below 20 seconds.

Friday, December 20, 2019

2 mins @R26
1 min @ R30
30 secs @R34
Rest 3:30 minutes between rounds. 

I paid no mind to my pace - only concern was maintaining the stroke rate. Damper was set to 5 and drag was 108 on the rower in cardio room at Jennersville.
1000m Row
75 Bench Press (135)
*complete 2 pull-ups each time you break on the bench press

30 evil wheels 
40 v-ups
50 straight leg abmat sit-ups

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

2 rounds for time:
50-cal row
25 handstand push-ups

This is adapted from 2018 Team Series Event 6 for an individual to complete. Did not push the pedal as I am still very sore from all the work over the last two days. Kept each row right around 3 mins while holding a lower rate (24-25s/m). Handstands were done with two breaks each set.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Row Conditioning
On the 0:00 - 50 Calorie Row
On the 4:00 - 30 Calorie Row
On the 7:00 - 30 Calorie Row
On the 10:00 - 15 Calorie Row
On the 11:00 - 15 Calorie Row
On the 12:00 - 15 Calorie Row

Total Meters: 2230m
Total Working Time:  8:34.7 (of the 12:00)


Notes: Worked out at Kennett Y -- damper was at 5 and drag was 116. For the set of 50 / 30s I wanted to keep the stroke rate low (24) and focus on long power strokes. For the sets of 15 the goal to just send it.
Workout 13: Be The Rabbit
Workout 13: Be The Rabbit

Segment 1:  6x :45 sprint @ r24 // 1:15 light paddle between 
Segment 2:  6x :45 sprint @ r24 // 1:15 light paddle between 

Rate: Open
Pace: RPE 8 (very hard, but below peak effort)

Use re-row function on your monitor to attempt to match or beat your effort from segment one. No warm-up which made this one hurt that much more. 
Workout 14: Raise You 20
Segment 1:  8 Rounds of 20 Second Sprints @28 with 10 Seconds Rest in between
~2 Minute BREAK
Segment 2:  4 Rounds of 40 Second Sprints @28 with 20 Seconds Rest in between
~2 Minute BREAK
Segment 3:  2 Rounds of 60 Second Sprints @28 with 30 Seconds Rest in between

Overall a nice effort! Used to rowing at a higher rate so the focus was on applying steady power without sacrificing technique. Don't let the stroke get shorter or mess up the order of operations to get a better score. 

Monday, December 16, 2019

Build to a heavy 5RM Strict Press
2 sets of Max Effort Strict Press @ 60% of today's 5RM

A: 170lbs
B: 19 & 16 @ 100lbs

Notes: Took 2-3 minutes rest between each heavy set (135-145-155-170) and another 2 minutes between each max set. I may have been able to gut out 1 or 2 more reps on the max set, expecially on the first attempt, but overall very happy with this effort.
4 rounds of:
20 GHD sit-ups
20-m lunge with dumbbells (35)
-hold dumbbells at side as you lunge

Friday, December 13, 2019

Complete 9 rounds:
Row for 1 minute, rest for 2 minutes.
*Alternate between 3 different damper settings 
*3 minutes at normal setting, 3 minutes at normal setting+1, final 3 minutes at normal setting+2
*Each interval should be done at a speed that is 80-85% of your 500m PB (tried to hold 1:50.0 or lower each interval)

Notes: The idea here is that in a 500 you can push your DF a little higher and get some benefit that might be counterproductive in a 2000.  After rereading this workout, I was supposed to alternate between each of the three different damper settings three times. Used the rower in the cardio room at Jennersville Y. 

Damper / DF
Normal (@6/116)
Normal+1 (@7/130)
Normal+2 (@8/143)

Tempo Front Squat
On the Minute x 9:
1 Tempo Front Squat
3 Seconds Down
3 Seconds Bottom Pause
3 Seconds Stand

Notes: Held 225 across all sets

"Stair Master"
Row Calories
KB Box Step-Ups (35) (18")
... Directly Into:
Alternating KB Snatches (35)
Wallballs (15)

Accumulate Totals:
3:00 D-Ball Hold (100)
2:00 Hollow Hold
1:00 Ring Dip Support

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Row Series IV - Event 4 
Silence of the Legs

'Silence of the Legs'
Eight Rounds
ROW 300m (30 seconds rest)

A) Fastest 300m time (1:05.5)
B) Slowest 300m time (1:09.4)

This is going to hurt. Strap in and embrace the suck! Don't let a good score be the enemy of great technique. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bench Press 8x4
-Use a load that is comfortable and can maintain good form
-Complete on the two minutes

Notes: Held 225 across all sets

Body Armor
3 Sets:
30 banded pull-aparts
30 banded push downs

Monday, December 9, 2019

Notes: The plan was to keep all rows under 2:00. Got lazy on the second round - did not use my legs and let my rate drop too low. That being said, I am pleased with this time overall as it was almost a minute faster than when I tried in July.



13 & 2

10 & 5
12 x 30 seconds / 90 seconds rest
Choose ONE of the Following:
Ski, Bike, or Row

All Out Efforts.

12 X 30 seconds
90 seconds rest

Notes: Used the Concept 2 Rower. Hit each 30 second interval at 90-95% intensity. Use these pieces to work on quickly getting up to speed. The last interval should be everything you got. Aim for negative splits throughout. Pick a pace you can maintain and treat the final interval as an all out effort.  

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Reverse Annie
10-20-30-40-50 reps for time:
straight leg situps
double unders (heavy rope)
*If doing singles, double the volume


Accessory Work
5 rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45lb barbell)
1 minute rest

Saturday, December 7, 2019

9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9”.

Record total meters, best/worst split.

15:00 minutes
3690 meters rowed (2:01.9 pace) @ 28s/m average
Best Split: 1:57.9
Worst Split: 2:05.0

Notes: Today we will complete these intervals with the damper set at 1 (DF = 70). We are looking to maintain a high stroke rate (28 s/m) and low damper. Aim to keep pace within 10 seconds of 2K pace (1:56.6).

Friday, December 6, 2019

This is a great workout if you are limited on time at just 10 minutes of total work. Limit your stroke rate to 26, but hit these intervals hard. Set a pace on the first interval and try to maintain over the remaining six intervals. 

Rate: 26
🎯 Reach (2k or better)
Feel: Gas 

As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

9 Minute Interval (9 x 50 sec Easy, 10 sec Power)
2 Minute Rest
7 Min Interval (7 x 40 sec Easy, 20 sec Power)
2 Minute Rest
5 Minute Interval (5 x 30 sec Easy, 30 sec Power)
2 Minute Rest
3 Minute Interval (3 x 20 sec Easy, 40 sec Power)
2 Minute Rest
1 Minute Interval (1 x 10 sec Easy, 50 sec Power)
2 Minute Rest

Notes: This workout was from As The Flywheel Spins - Concept 2 Workout Podcast. When I listened to the workout, it was suggested to hold a stroke rate of 24 for the duration of the workout and just increase the power. I opted to focus on WATTS with the goal of 'power' intervals held at 225 or above.

Total Distance: 5946 meters
Damper/DF: 4 / 113 (used rower in weight room at Jennersville)

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday Dec 05
With a 10:00 running clock:
Max plank hold (1:30)
-this will serve as baseline for below work

30% of total time (:27 seconds)
right leg in air (don't support on other leg)
without resting switch to
30% of total time (:27 seconds)
left leg in air (don't support on other leg)

Rest as needed

25% of total time (:23 seconds)
right arm in air (don't support behind back)
without resting switch to
25% of total time (:23 seconds)
left arm in air (don't support behind back)

Rest as needed

20% of total time (:18 seconds)
mix plank hold, right leg and left arm
without resting switch to
20% of total time (:18 seconds)
mix plank hold, left leg and right arm

Warmed up with 3X5 deadlifts at:
60% of 1RM (205)
70% of 1RM (235)
75% OF 1RM (250)

Each work set of five should be pretty heavy. In this context, you will most probably not be super close to your max; thats fine. Just make sure all seven sets are as heavy as your mechanics can hold.

Held 275 across all sets. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

4 Rounds:
10 single arm 30lb DB strict presses each arm
20 straight leg situps
30 calorie assault bike

Notes: This was nasty - 30 calories was just enough time (~2 minutes) to punish you for going out too hard. Next time out, don't be afraid to scale up on the DB.
Sunday 190721
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Then, practice SLIPS for 10 minutes


For SLIPS, I did front and back scales, l-sits, frog holds, and stretching

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Notes: Held 225lbs across all sets. Tried to focus on being fast on the way up for all reps.

3 Rounds
30 straight leg situps with abmat
25 back extensions

10 Rounds @ 70-75% sustainable effort
5 burpees
10 straight leg situps
15 back extensions
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Saturday, November 30, 2019

5 rounds of:
10 box step-ups 18" with 35lbs DBs
20 calorie row
Weighted Dips 3-2-2-1-1-1

Notes: Should have gone with heavier DB at this height or taller box at this weight. Tried to really send it on the rower -- most rounds were in the 1300 cals/hr range, last round was 1600.

Friday, November 29, 2019

For Time: 
21 back squats
42 ghd situps
15 back squats
30 ghd situps
09 back squats
18 ghd situps

RX: 225/155

Notes: I used 185 for this workout. Notes suggested to scale the load if unable to do first 21 reps in less than 3 sets or under 2:30. I thought this was doable, but may be too challenging at 225. 

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of:
Single arm KB overhead squats
Lateral burpees, jumping over KB

Notes: Used 44lb KB for the OHS. This was torture as my heart rate went up and stayed up. The standard of having to jump over the KB ensured you were getting almost 6" per jump which only added to the misery. 

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bike 10,000 meters
-Assault Bike

Notes: This was a slower recovery ride done on a cold Thanksgiving day - kept average watts just north of 200 while watching The Office.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

15 Rounds
3 Deadlift @ 155 - used Fat Gripz
Farmer's Carry 40 yards as heavy as possible (65s)
*For famer's carry walk out 20 yards and back 20 yards

Bye, bye grip...

5X 12+:10 Hollow Rocks+Hollow Hold

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Aerobic Capacity + Midline
For Time:
5,000 Meter Assault Bike
Every 1,000 Meters, complete a :45 Second D-Ball Hold (100) at belly level.

Note: I treated this as more of a recovery effort from yesterday's squats. Held 220+ average watts on the bike and allowed for :10-:15 transition between bike and sandbag.
Row Series VI - Event 3 
Golden Arrow

13 Rounds:
Row 130m
Rest 90 seconds

3A: First 130m time (0:25.2)
3B: Total time (5:42.2)

Body Armor
3 Sets:
30 banded pull-aparts
30 banded push powns
30 straight leg sit-ups, with abmat