Monday, February 3, 2020

A: Row Conditioning
Four Rounds of Increasing Power (8 minutes continuous work)

1min @ 22/1min @ 24
1min @ 22/1min @ 26
1min @ 22/1min @ 28
1min @ 22/1min @ 30

Notes: This is just a chunk of a larger WOD (the warmup for workout 27 - dingo power). The 22 s/m are done at an easy to moderate pace and when stroke rate increases so does the intensity. A great piece to work on controlling stroke rate and pace. After yesterday's longer piece, I just wanted to get in some light rowing. 

Total Distance: 1938m
Average Pace: 2:03.8 (total); 2:07.1 (@ 22s/m); 2:01.7 (@ varied rates)

B: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-1-1
Notes: Two part on the bench - your initial 4 sets of 5, and the 2 singles at the end. Try your best to use the 5-5-5-5 as a warm-up for an immediate jump to the singles. Shoulders and biceps were very sore from yesterday's big pull. From the start, the weight felt heavy. Not surprised to fail the 260 bar. 


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