Monday, February 3, 2020

Crossfit 190610
Deadlift 15-12-9-6-3 reps

Notes: We want the heaviest loads you can handle with good mechanics on each of the different sets, and we want them unbroken. Remember Rippetoe's advice: "don't be pigheaded". If your spine starts rounding in the middle of a lift, drop that bar! Deload a little and try again. 

My intent was to enjoy the 60-degree FEB day and not push too hard here. Opened with the set of 15 as my warm-up set. Need to be smarter about warming up my deadlift. According to the notes below, I should have opened around 200lbs. 




7 deadlifts with an empty barbell, 2-sec pause at the knees in the ascent

3 sets:
Set 1: 10 deadlifts, 2-sec pause at the floor between reps (@ 40% of 1RM)
Sets 2 & 3: 5 reps adding about 10 percent each set
> First working set should be challenging (roughly 60% of 1RM)

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