Sunday, August 30, 2020

Tuesday 170620
Tabata squats holding a 45-lb. plate
Weighted dip 3-3-3-3 reps

Scaled to 35-pound plate held against chest and max rep dips instead of weighted since I did not have a good way to hold weight without dip belt. I did this workout up at Hopewell Elementary since they have the dip bars.

Tabata: 101 reps (15 best; 10 worst)
Dips: 9, 11 & 12 reps

Saturday, August 29, 2020

7 Rounds:
1-minute assault bike 
1-minute DB farmer's hold (50)
1-minute rest

Goals: Hold 70+ rpm on the bike and remain unbroken on the holds.

Notes: don't underestimate this piece! my forearms were screaming, especially in the latter rounds.  I broke at the :40 mark on round 6, but all others were unbroken. The pace on the bike was challenging yet sustainable.

Friday, August 28, 2020

20 push-ups
15 strict handstand push-ups
30 wall balls (14lbs)
Rest 2:00
Rest 2:00
*Continue where you left off after rest


Notes: Intentional interference is the name of the game today. Normally manageable sets of relatively low skill movements will become significantly harder rather quickly, which is part of the reason this Metcon Reset was written. Remember, after each rest interval you should pick up where you left off, almost like this was a continuous AMRAP.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Street Parking Endurance | Week 22 | June 21
Assault Bike
2 Rounds
3:30 SLOW

Rest 3:00 between rounds. 

The idea here is pre-fatigue - SPRINT - recover while still moving. Score is total calories. 

Round 1: 144 calories
Round 2: DNF as I was fatigued from the heat and humidity and legs still sore from yesterday’s sprints.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

200m run
Rest 2:00
150m run
Rest 3:00
100m run
Rest 4:00

When the rest is significantly longer than the work prescribed, you know just what to do: SEND IT. Creating the adaptation we are after means you approach each distance as if your life depends on it.

Kept the 200's at :47-48
kept the 150's at :34-36
kept the 100's sub :20 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A: Every:30 seconds for 10 minutes:

(1) Hang Power Snatch @ 165lbs

Note: This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 165lbs. If you cannot do 165lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Finished all (20) reps @ 135lbs

B: Body Armor
50 v-ups
1:30 hollow hold
50 v-ups

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Street Parking Endurance | Week 17 | May 17
bike 60 calories moderate
rest 3 minutes
bike 60 calories easy
rest 3 minutes
bike 60 calories moderate
rest 3 minutes

straight into:
4 rounds
SPRINT 10 calories @80+ rpms
10 calories ssllooww @40-45 rpms

Friday, August 21, 2020

In a 10:00 window:
Max Distance Sandbag Carry
*Each drop, do 3 sandbag cleans before resuming

The goal was to complete a single lap around the track. My strategy was to get as far as I could get on the first interval and manage my rest periods. 

Finished four hundred six meters with four drops.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Box Jump All The Way Overs (18-inch)
*Each round begins with 10 burpees to a 6-inch target.
Rest 3:00 after each round

The buy-in each round is meant to have those legs feeling a bit like lead prior to the jump overs. 

The burpee buy-in to a six-inch target was some 🤡🤡🤡 shizzz

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Reverse AbMat Annie
10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
Double Unders*
Abmat Sit-ups
*If doing singles, double the volume

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

10 Rounds
:10 seconds max cals AAB
Rest 2:20 

RPMS: 100+

Notes: Every 2:30 will be enough time to recover for a few rounds but as energy stores start to dwindle this is going to get spicy. With all that in mind, we're still looking for you to hit peak wattage every single round, otherwise, this piece isn't going to do what it is supposed to. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Barbell Gymnastics
1) 12 minutes to work to a max power snatch for the day, then:
EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 power snatch @ 90% of today's max

2) 12 minutes to work to a max power clean and jerk for the day, then:
EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 power clean and jerk @ 85% of today's max

Snatch: Best lift was 143lbs. I got the 148lb bar overhead, but too much of a press out at the top to count as a successful lift. EMOM weight was 130lbs -- no issues here.

Clean and Jerk: Best lift was 188lbs. EMOM weight was 160lbs -- this bar felt pretty easy, was more of a high-hang clean.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

For Time:
200 Calories Assault Bike
*Every 3:00, complete 15 abmat situps


Saturday, August 15, 2020

1 Minute Assault Bike (calories)
1 Minute DB Farmers Hold (50s)
1 Minute Rest

I was in the middle of the DB hold during round 3 when I got the call from the mechanic my car was ready. Stopped there and came back a couple of hours later with the below effort after eating and cutting the grass. The score for first 3 rounds was 18, 21, and 19 calories. 

3 RNFT: 
20 Calories Assault Bike
10 Burpee Box Jumps (24)
5 Double DB Clean & Jerks (50)

I was not in the mood to ramp up to the workout I had started earlier this afternoon. Dropped the intensity and focused on moving well. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Barbell Gymnastics

5X1 @ 123lbs
5X1 @ 138lbs
5X1 @ 123lbs
Rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 80%

Squat Clean
5X1 @ 155lbs
5X1 @ 175lbs
5X1 @ 155lbs
Rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 80%

Notes: Hit all of the snatches, although the first rep at 138 was more of a press-out at the top. Failed my first squat clean at 175 - I didn't dip enough before pulling and wasn't able to get my elbows around quick enough.

3 X 20 UB Banded Situps – rest 60 sec.

Note: Went unbroken on the first round, then broke at 14 and 12 respectively for sets 2&3. Must finish set even if not done unbroken.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Today's workout will challenge your shoulder stamina and skill. The better you move, the easier of a time your shoulders will have. 

The snatches should be a heavyweight, but still something you can keep unbroken for all 5 sets (@115 pounds). I was only able to get 4 HSPU on the final round, but all other work as scheduled. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Four Rounds
50-ft walking lunge holding medball (14)
25 wall balls (14)
50 heavy rope singles

Notes: I was riding the struggle bus during this workout. Struggled to maintain my breath in the heat and humidity at the track. Need to make sure I get a good warmup before the workout so my heart rate doesn't spike after the first round and stay elevated. I held the wall ball in a bearhug against my chest which made breathing that much more difficult.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

“Flight Simulator”
For Time: Unbroken sets of Double Unders (double the volume if singles )
10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 reps

You MUST stop in between sets (the rope must stop).
Once you miss at one level three times in a row, work back down the ladder.

Notes: Did this with the Elite RX speed rope. No trips - focused on quick recovery between rounds, don’t sit down, instead walk slowly around the garage.


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Deadlift Ladder
185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 325, 335, 345, 355, 365, 375 lb

1 rep is performed every 45 seconds through a series of 20 barbells that increase 10lbs with each subsequent attempt.

*Final successful lift in BOLD

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Five rounds for time of:
100 pound sandbag cleans, 8 reps
200-foot sprint

Notes: As written the workout is 4 rounds and 10 reps of 100/70 pound DB snatches. I wanted to keep the sandbag cleans unbroken so I scaled to 8 reps per round, but I could have kept this at 10 without too much of a problem. The "sprint" was across the cul-de-sac and back. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

For max calories:
Four Rounds
Assault Bike
2:30 work | 2:30 rest

5:00 walk around the garage

Four Rounds
Assault Bike
2:30 work | 2:30 rest

141 calories (31, 35, 37 & 38)
135 calories (32, 34, 36 & 33)

The goal here is linear progression - incremental calorie increase each round without sandbagging the first round. I should have gone harder on the first round of each with the goal of 1-2 calorie increase each subsequent round. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

For time:
118 lb hang squat clean, 10 reps
50 banded sit-ups
118 lb hang squat clean, 8 reps
40 banded sit-ups
118 lb hang squat clean, 6 reps
30 banded sit-ups
118 lb hang squat clean, 4 reps
20 banded sit-ups
118 lb hang squat clean, 2 reps
10 banded sit-ups

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Day 12 Double Unders Program
2 Rounds
50-second Single-unders
10-second Rest
1:00 Wrists Warm-up III
A) Double Under Practice I, II or III
Spend 5-10 minutes practicing here your one double (Part I) or your two doubles (Part II). Make sure to count the number of attempts and your successful reps. Remember consistency is our metric of progress and it is what tells us we are ready to move forward to the next step. 
If Wednesday you were consistent with double-unders doubles (Part II). It is time to go to Part III. 
Four sets of 10 attempts over a 5 minute period.
0/10, 6/10, 7/10 and 4/10. Still notice the dolphin kick which is causing me to land with heavy feet. Want to clean this up before going into phase 2.
B) Speed Skills
Today we test, how far can you make it?
15-second single-unders @160 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @165 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @170 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @175 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @180 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @185 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @190 BPM
25-second rest
15-seconds single-unders @195 BPM
Keep adding 5 BPM until you cannot match the speed. 
Hit all prescribed bpm goals. I have seen an improvement on my singles also the last 4 weeks - with speed, endurance and consistency.