Monday, August 17, 2020

Barbell Gymnastics
1) 12 minutes to work to a max power snatch for the day, then:
EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 power snatch @ 90% of today's max

2) 12 minutes to work to a max power clean and jerk for the day, then:
EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 power clean and jerk @ 85% of today's max

Snatch: Best lift was 143lbs. I got the 148lb bar overhead, but too much of a press out at the top to count as a successful lift. EMOM weight was 130lbs -- no issues here.

Clean and Jerk: Best lift was 188lbs. EMOM weight was 160lbs -- this bar felt pretty easy, was more of a high-hang clean.

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