Wednesday, July 28, 2021

10 minute build from DarkHorse Rowing (2208 meters)
Every 2:00 take 20 strokes @ goal pace of 2:00/500m @ rate 26 (618m)

Rowlympics Challenge Event #5
2000 meter time trial
SCORE: 8:01.3
DRAG: 117

This was the last workout of the challenge. Happy with this time overall and felt great thanks to a solid warmup. I started around 26 s/m and increased both the pace and rate with each 500m. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Rowlympics Challenge Event #3 

10,000 meter time trial
SCORE: 46:28.2
DRAG: 110

This was pure torture. I have logged 30,000+ meters since the start of the challenge on Saturday and it took all I had to just keep moving. Not my best effort, but happy that I was able to finish. 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Rowlympics Challenge Event #6 
6000 meter time trial
SCORE: 26:47.0
DRAG: 106

This distance is all about rhythm and rate. Try and settle into pace quickly and keep the rate lively to make it feel light. You can bring the split down a good chunk in the last 500m if you have something left. Know your target split and stick to it but rate a couple higher than you would naturally for that split.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Rowlympic Challenge Event #8
30:00 Minute Time Trial
SCORE: 6523 meters
DRAG: 106

A good rule of thumb is 2K plus 15 for the 30 minute time trial. That would put me right around 2:13. I treated today's effort as more of a recovery effort. My body is pretty cooked, as I have logged almost 33 thousand meters since Monday 😎 Three more events to go to complete the challenge.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

I didn't want to push too hard today, but needed to knock off a few of the events for Concept2 Rowlympic Challenge

20:00 minute time trial: 4307m I kept this real chill, gradually increasing the pace every four minutes DF =101

1:00 minute sprint: 290m I wanted to break 300m. Turned the drag up to 154 and let it rip, but I messed with my stroke too much trying to get a better score instead of trusting my training. 

1000m: 4:04.2 Started much too slow before committing to a harder pace on the back half. Kept a higher rate throughout, around 26-27. DF = 114

10:00 time trial: 2158m Same as the twenty minute piece, this was used as a recovery piece after the earlier sprints. DF = 107

Friday, July 23, 2021

15 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Minutes)
Min 1: 100 single unders
Min 2: 25 Russian KB swings
Min 3: 25 Russian twists
**You may choose to use a different weight for swings/twists

I used a 44-pound KB for the swings and 25-pound DB for the twists. Challenged myself to go unbroken on each round. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Week 5 // Workout 13: 
3000m broken up as follows:
1000m @ r24
1000m @ r26
750m @ r28
250m @ open rate 

Goal: (2K = 1:57.6)
Rate 24: 2K plus 6
Rate 26: 2K plus 4
Rate 28: 2K plus 2
Open Rate: sprint

This was tough but I hit my pacing almost perfectly. The first interval is usually the toughest going from a standing start. 

Intermediate Option:
Complete as many calories on the rower as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 strict handstand push-ups
20 pulls on the rower

Get through the handstand push-ups and go hard on the row. We rarely see workouts with a specific amount of pulls on the rower, practice solid technique during the warm-up and shoot for max effort pulls during the workout. Set the drag factor between 130 and 140 and pulled at a 1:54/500m pace. 

Finished 4 rounds
Calories: 14, 15, 14 & 15 = 58 total

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Row Conditioning 
Time Intervals
5x 1:00 on // 2:00 off
Rest 9:00

Stroke Rate: 24//26//28//30//max
DF: 108 // 123 

I bumped up the drag for the second round to see how that would feel. Surprisingly, I was a beat slower on all but the first and last intervals. Didn't have a 🎯 pace in mind to start -- 2k plus 2 was recommended. 
3 Rounds
20 KB deadlifts
36 calorie row
20 banded sit-ups (red mini band)

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Score: slowest round only

R1: 4:42
R2: 4:46
R3: 4:27

Drag was set to 117. The first two rounds were done in 2:20 and last round 2:11. This works out to about 2:05/500m pace for the first two rounds and 2:00/500 pace for the last round according to C2 pace chart. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

From Crossfit Football: E Caf 

Complete 10 rounds:
Row for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute..
Stroke Rate: 26
🎯 pace: 2k plus 5 with negative splits
DF: 112

Don't come out too hot. The last few rounds should be a challenge to complete. Started at 2k plus 5 and dropped a split with each interval.

Monday, July 19, 2021

20 Minute Hill Climb from @darkhorserowing 
5 strokes on // 5 strokes off
10 strokes on // 10 strokes off
15 strokes on // 15 strokes off
20 strokes on // 20 strokes off

Then head back down the ladder...15//15, 10//10, 5//5 and back up again until the 20 minutes are up. 

Held a 22 stroke rate for the "on" pieces. Set the drag to 112. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Recovery Row 
3000 meters @ 16spm

Kept this real chill while watching 30 Rock. Turned the drag all the way down to 1 and just focused on moving well for about 15 minutes. 

Distance: 3000m 
Time: 14:57.4
Pace: 2:29.4
Drag Factor: 82

Friday, July 16, 2021

20x 30 sec work // 10 sec rest
*4 rounds each
1) seated one-arm KB press (R)
2) seated one-arm KB press (L)
3) single leg KB DL (R)
4) single leg KB DL (L)
5) weighted butterfly sit-ups (hold wall ball on chest)

Used 26lb KB for 1-4 and an 8lb wall ball for sit-ups

Part 1
8 minute row
22spm @ 2k plus 16
DF = 107
This is about POWER 

Part 2
6x 40 secs work // 30 secs rest
32spm // 2k minus 3 or faster
DF = 127
This is about SPEED

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Row Conditioning 
10x3:00 work // 1:30 rest
🎯 30:00 goal pace (7000+ meters)
DF 104

Actually found this pace may not be sustainable over 30 minutes. While I was comfortable with this pace in the shorter time domain, I was gassed by the seventh round. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Rowing Mixed Intervals
5x 4:00/1:00r

First 2:30 @ 2k plus :10
Last 1:30 @ 2k plus :25

We'll be splitting time between our 5k(ish) pacing and an easier pace to help build our base. Held rates around 24 for the first 2:30 and dropped to between 18 & 20 for the last 1:30.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Week 4 // Workout #10 
Set time for 20 minutes, every minute on the minute: 10 strokes at rate of 38+

Goal: Practice working at a higher stroke rate

This was gross 😈 I turned the damper all the way down to 1 and was able to keep each round north of 40 s/m. 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

WORKOUT 20: Reaching into the depths of our potential through 16 effective one minute intervals.  Hard work pays off...exponentially.
Warm Up:
4 Minute guided formal Warm Up with some power pieces for strength 
16 X 1 Minute of Work Intervals
(1 Minute of Rest in between)
Set 1:  4 Intervals @ 22
Set 2:  4 Intervals @ 24
Set 3:  4 Intervals @ 26
Set 4:  4 Intervals @ 28
Details of each set, we will dial in our comfort with the new stroke rate.  The last 3 intervals of each set, we aim to maximize the number of calories we can accumulate in that minute.  The ultimate goal is to maintain or increase the number of calories accumulated in each minute all the way through the workout.  (Effort is an 8 or 9 on the RPE Scale*)
50 Stroke Cool Down

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Recovery Row 
20:00 @ rate 18

It has been a long week. Low and slow was just what I needed today, especially with my midline trashed from yesterday. Followed along with the vid from Darkhorse Rowing. Kept the drag low (107) and just tried to stay locked in on pace and rate.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Strength - 
20x25 sec on 15 sec off
*5 of each
1) plate ground to overhead (25lbs)
2) step-ups (18" box)
3) kb strict press (35lbs)
4) v-ups

Conditioning - 
3x3 min on 1 min off
24-26 spm @ 2k plus 14 (get faster)
300m for time

I wanted to be cautious with the box height for step-ups and did these unweighted as this was one of the first tests with my knee. Felt good during, let's hope that lasts throughout the weekend. The Y now has a few Rogue wall balls -- next time out, try the step-ups with med ball. For the row, the 3 minute intervals were done at a drag of 107 and the 300m sprint was done at 135. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Week 3 // Workout #8 

8 x 500m repeats, with 90 seconds rest 

Goal: Use per 500m. Hold pace equal to or faster than first week's 500m workout (1:58.1)

This was torture. Did not warm-up beforehand and I wanted to quit after six rounds although I was able to keep these all under target of 1:58 or below. If you don't keep a bucket handy just in case, did you even erg? 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Week 3 // Workout 7 
3 x 1250m
5 mins rest
rates 26/28/30

Goal: Use per 500m (as opposed to watts or cals on the screen). As fast as possible -- increased speed with increased stroke rate. 

I was aiming for 2K plus 7-8 seconds for that first rep. Then try to be 2 splits quicker on each of the following reps as the rate increases. Kept the drag low (106) which makes it tougher to hit some of these target rates. 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Row Series VIII - Event 1
Four Minutes and a Funeral
Row 1 Minute
No Rest
Row 3 Minutes

1A: Distance covered in 1 minute
1B: Total distance

I slowed down too much after the first minute sprint. Next time out try to settle into your 2K pace after the initial sprint. This is only a four-minute ride. 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Row 5,000 meters 

This was a low (rate 18) and slow (2:23.5/500m) recovery row. I had a tough workout this morning and wanted to just flush away some of the lactic acid. 

23:55.3 (drag 107) 

Crossfit | 200711
4 rounds of:
1 minute of burpees
1 minutes of GHD sit-ups (to parallel) 
Rest 1 minute

Post reps completed each round to comments.

13/17, 12/13, 12/12, 11/10 = 48 Burpees & 52 GHD sit-ups

Wasn't sure how my knee would hold up doing burpees but it felt pretty good. Transitions were smooth, although it was very hard to get right into the GHDs during the last couple of rounds of burpees. Allow yourself 7-8 seconds to transition into the GHD machine so you can take a couple of deep breaths then get right into the sit-ups. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

Week 2 // Workout #6 

2 x 20 minutes with a stroke rate of 18
5 minutes rest
every 3rd minute stroke rate of 24

Goal: Use watts; increased power with increased stroke rate

I was interrupted by a call a few minutes into the second interval. Kept this low impact, fluctuating between 125-135 watts at rate 18 and 150-160 watts at rate 24. This was a bit slower than my 10K pace. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Week 2 // Workout #4
10 x 300m 
90 seconds rest
100m @ rate 30
100m @ rate 32
100m @ rate 34

Goal: smooth increase in stroke rate and speed under fatigue

This was not as bad as I thought it would be. The toughest part was finding r30 quickly enough. This is a great workout to use the metrownome app to find that initial rate in the first couple of strokes. While these weren't the fastest 300s, I held all rounds within :01 of each other (1:08.6 fastest and 1:09.7 slowest).