Friday, July 9, 2021

Strength - 
20x25 sec on 15 sec off
*5 of each
1) plate ground to overhead (25lbs)
2) step-ups (18" box)
3) kb strict press (35lbs)
4) v-ups

Conditioning - 
3x3 min on 1 min off
24-26 spm @ 2k plus 14 (get faster)
300m for time

I wanted to be cautious with the box height for step-ups and did these unweighted as this was one of the first tests with my knee. Felt good during, let's hope that lasts throughout the weekend. The Y now has a few Rogue wall balls -- next time out, try the step-ups with med ball. For the row, the 3 minute intervals were done at a drag of 107 and the 300m sprint was done at 135. 

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