Tuesday, February 8, 2022

2022 Vault: "Odin"
10 Min AMRAP
7 V-Ups
1 Sandbag Atlas Lunge (Lunge, Lunge, Squat)
...continue to add one atlas lunge with each subsequent round, i.e. 7/2, 7/3 etc...

Goal: 8+ rounds
Score: 7 rounds + 10 reps (v-ups + 3 atlas lunges)

These short AMRAPS with ascending reps will sneak up on you if you come out too hot. Used the 55-pound sandbag option. Paced a little too much and the workout was over before I knew it. Broke the lunges during rounds 6&7 but kept the sandbag racked and only took a few quick breaths before starting up again. Where I lost time was laying on the ground before/after v-ups. It felt so good to just lay there, haha, but you have to keep moving -- this is only 10 minutes! 

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