Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Buy-In: 1500m row 

10 rounds of:
3/3 split jumps
10 KB swings (35#)
7 goblet kneeling to standing (14# wall ball)
10 hollow rocks

Cash Out: 1500m row

We are going long today. This workout is not going to be won in the first rounds, but could be lost there. Approach it this way - you have 25-30 minutes of continuous work ahead of you. Super high intensity is not what we are after. What we want is a slow burn. We want you to stay focused and keep moving. Ten rounds is a lot, but go beyond that. The movements are paired so that they are complimentary. Each pair has an explosive movement with a slow stamina one. This is an all-around burn. The reps are such that everything will still get long. Focus on the set at hand and commit to notice when your mind drifts. Once you get back on the rower, things will get real. Start easy, and build your speed by one second every 200 meters. 

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