Monday, February 14, 2022

125 Meter (Moderate) Row
1 Minute Rest
250 Meter (Moderate) Row
1 Minute Rest
375 Meter (Moderate) Row
1 Minute Rest
500 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 2 Minutes
2000 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 5 Minutes
2000 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 5 Minutes
500 Meter (Hard) Row
15 Seconds Rest
500 Meter (Hard) Row

Score: First 2000 Meter Row (8:38.0)
Score: Second 2000 Meter Row (8:38.2)

Used 2K plus 13 for the moderate intervals and 2K plus 5 for the hard. The opening intervals are meant to be done at the pace that you will intend to hold for the longer intervals in the middle section. These initial paces will feel CRAZY EASY. Use these intervals to burn this tempo into your brain. Make every effort to stay on pace for that initial longer/middle interval. Consistent pacing is our focus here. The shorter intervals at the end are intended to be fast. 

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