Monday, February 28, 2022

Part 1 - 7 Min AMRAP
6 Push Up + Pull Across (55-pound sandbag)
6 Barbell Hang Squat Clean (95-pound barbell)
Rest 3 Minutes before Part 2
Part 2
Repeat your Score from Part 1 for time.

Score: Part 1: Total # of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps
Score: Part 2: Time to complete Part 2

Goal: (Part 1) 8-12 Rounds Actual: 5 + 2
Goal: (Part 2) 6:30-7:30 Actual: 9:25

Thirty lazy Echo bike cals is clearly not enough of a warm-up because that was rough. Heart rate was spiked throughout, leading to too much standing around. Liked this one better on paper. Treat this like an EMOM next time around and see if that helps your score. 

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