Friday, February 4, 2022

Street Parking Program B Thursday 01/13/2022 
As Far as Possible in 12 Minutes
30 heavy rope singles
1 hang power clean
...continue to add one clean with each subsequent round, i.e. 30/2, 30/3 etc...

Your score for this workout is the number of power cleans from last completed round plus any additional reps.

GOAL: 12-14 rounds
SCORE: 11 + 32 (jump rope + 2 cleans into round of 12)

Kept all rounds unbroken, opting instead for a brief rest between some of the later rounds. Be mindful of the clock because it can be easy to lose 20-30 seconds resting without realizing it.

3X15 V-Ups
3X8 Evil Wheels
3X10 Arch Rocks

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