Wednesday, August 10, 2022

8 Rounds
375 Meter (Very Hard) Row
1 Minute (Super Easy) Row
No Rest Between Rounds
Rest 1 Minute After 8 Rounds
8 Rounds
250 Meter (Very Hard) Row
1 Minute (Super Easy) Row
No Rest Between Rounds

Woof!! I am not okay after this session. You need to really be dialed in mentally for this one as it 35+ minutes of continuous movement - save for a one-minute rest between each of the eight-round sections. Tried to keep both the 375 and 250 'on' efforts at or around 2:00.5 pace. This one is all about learning how to recovery from a hard effort while still moving. 

Score: Average 375m VH Time [1:30.7]
Score: Average 250m VH Time [1:00.3]

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