Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Recovery Row
3x 10 minutes // 2 minutes rest
Rate change 4:00 @18, 3:00 @20, 2:00 @22 & 1:00 @24
🎯 18 @ 2:18.5, 20 @ 2:15.5, 22 @ 2:12.5 & 24 @2:09.5

Spend the time focusing on form, especially at the lower stroke rates. Sit up straight, heels down at the catch, level handle, relax grip, arms straight at the catch, etc...

Body Armor
100 banded bicep curls*
100 banded tricep pulldowns*
4-point shoulder raises (3x10 each - front, Y's, side and bent elbow)
3x10 tempo bench push ups
*Used red mini-band - go for light and quick band work, keeping shoulders back and core engaged. 

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