Friday, October 28, 2022

Row Series II - Event 4 - Light The Fuse 
Row 100m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 200m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 300m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 400m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 500m, Rest 30 seconds
Row 2,000m   
A: 8:25.7 (2000m time)
B: 14:42.4 (Total Time)

I am on the backend of this cold so I didn't push the way this workout would normally call for. Held a higher rate to bring some speed but did not have the push in my legs that was needed to make this one hurt. 

2 Rounds
30 banded pull-apart (red mini-band)
30 banded pushdowns (purple band)

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