Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Saturday 221008 Program A 
40 Double Unders*
30 Dumbbell Shoulder Press (30-pounds)
40 Double Unders*
20 Dumbbell Shoulder Press
40 Double Unders*
10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press
40 Double Unders*
30 Dumbbell Push Press
40 Double Unders*
20 Dumbbell Push Press
40 Double Unders*
10 Dumbbell Push Press

Time: 12:47

Warmed up with DH 10-minute build (2168m). Subbed 50 singles for the double unders. For both pressing movements, stop 2-3 reps shy of total fatigue. Broke early and often. The arm pump on the presses was real. The combo of jump rope and pressing was more taxing than I had thought. 

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