Friday, October 21, 2022

Street Parking 220705 
2 Rounds 
500m row
30 barbell clean and jerks @75lbs
500m row
Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Round 1: 7:32
Round 2: 7:43
🎯 5:30 - 8:00 per round

Treat this as two workouts with a 3 minute break in between and send it with both of them. You should be pretty uncomfortable on the first row. Don't try to game it so that you are super fresh for the clean & jerks. I took a bit longer with the barbell each round than I wanted. Broke into 4 sets each time, but spent a bit more time resting when I didn't have the barbell in my hands. This is a lack of metcon endurance as I have been rowing so often without much else. 

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