Friday, April 28, 2023

SP Bro Session v4: Session 2
50 db bench press 
800m kb farmers carry 
50 db bench press 


Used 45s for the bench and farmers walk. Bench was four sets during the first round and three during the last. Took one lap around the track with the kettlebells (100m) before setting down and resting for about 30 seconds each round. 

100 straight leg situps*
EMOM starting at 1:00, do :10 hollow hold 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Warmup Into Workout:
30 X 1 Minute Intervals
Stroke Rate Targets

Use the first six intervals to warmup before increasing the power. This is a great workout to practice changing rates and finishing strong after a longer duration row. Get those watts at 185 or above for the last three intervals (28-30-28). 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Recovery Row 
Time: 3-4-5-4-3 mins on / 2 mins rest 
Rate: 20
Pace: Recovery

Turned the drag down and pulled some easy meters at a low rate to help my body recover from this morning's wall ball workout. Although this was designed to be a recovery effort, take time to dial in your technique - accelerate backwards and glide forwards. 

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
19 wall ball shots @ 20-pounds
19-cal. row

197 reps (5 rounds plus 7 wall balls)

Came in with a goal of completing six full rounds (228 reps). Held the rower a bit slower (between 800-900 cals) so that I could keep the wall balls unbroken. Tighter transitions and a slightly faster row would get me to the target of six rounds.  

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Row Conditioning 
5x 4:00 / Rest 2:00 
Rate: 24
🎯 165W

This was a challenging, yet sustainable (2:08.5) pace especially at a lower drag. With the two-minute rest periods, you should be able to push a little harder and still stay consistent. Next time out, bump this up to a 175W (2:06.0) pace. 

30 v-ups
40 hollow rocks
50 sit-ups 

Monday, April 24, 2023

15x30 secs on 15 secs off
*5 rounds of each

1) hollow hold
2) sumo deadlift high pull @ 75-pounds
3) push press @ 75-pounds

12x :50on/:40off
Intervals 1-4 r26 2k plus 8
Intervals 5-8 r28 2k plus 6
Intervals 9-12 r30 2k plus 4

Need to be a little more consistent with my pacing here. Work to hold target pace across all intervals.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Row Series VI - Event 2 - The Ghan 
Row 4321m
Rest 30 seconds
Row 1234m 

2A: 4321m time: 19:32.8
2B: Total time: 25:24.7

Ideally, this will be closer to your 5K pace. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

7 Rounds 
2:30 row
:30 rest
🎯 160 average watts @ r23

Second qualifier WOD for 2023 WRICH Versa Challenge. You will receive two scores - total meters rowed, and the meters rowed during the first 2:30 interval. I missed this note about the scoring - otherwise I would have sent it the first interval.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

10 Rounds 
Deadlift 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
Go heavy.

Warmed up on the rower followed by some mobility work to get low back loose (bent leg knee roll, open book, prone scorpion and foam rolling). Used the Rogue TB-2 trap bar for deadlifts. Loaded a 45 and 25 on each side (200-pounds). I was safely getting 7-9 reps each round. Go heavier - maybe 225-pounds - with goal of 5-7 reps each round. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

For Max Load:
15-12-9 reps of Hang Power Snatch
-Must be touch and go
-Increase load with each set
-Rest as needed between sets


This is a play on the Crossfit classic Gwen - subbed snatches and increased the load with each set rather than using the same weight. First two bars were not too much of an issue, but the 115-pound bar was a fight for the last three reps. I don't spend enough time doing OLY lifts or barbell cycling anymore so I wasn't sure what I'd be capable of here but weights were comparable to when I last tried this in 2018. If you want to stay true to Gwen format, try 95 or 100-pounds across all rounds. 

3x12 SA KB Bottoms-Up Press 
4x12+:10 Hollow Rocks + Hollow Hold

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Interval Distance 
12x 1000m/rest 1:30
Rate: 19
Pace: 2k plus 24 seconds
DF 108

Wanted to row for an hour, but did not want to just do steady state. This was a good way to pay my entry fee into the 12k club. The pace felt sustainable for when I have another go at the half marathon this year. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

10 mins @ 2:30 r18
rest 2:30
7.5 mins @ 2:25 r19
rest 2:30
5 mins @ 2:20 r20
rest 2:30
2.5 mins @ 2:15 r21

Easy rowing at a recovery pace in the garage. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

With a 20:00 running clock
1:00 sit-ups
1:00 plate ground to overhead (25-pounds)
1:00 lunge-lunge-squat
1:00 assault bike 
1:00 rest

First VC men's workout of 2023. With a running clock complete one minute of max repetitions at each station. There will be a 10-second transition between each station. Move immediately from one station to the next. After the minute on the assault bike, rest one minute. Complete four rounds. We had a full house (David, Jordan, Matt and John K) along with some rain this morning, but we were able to all make it work in the garage. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

5 RFT 
15 calorie row
15 bench press @ 135 -pounds
15 sandbag bicep curls @ 55-pounds


A brutal combination of movements where bodybuilding meets conditioning. Held each row around 1:00 and about 170 watts (~2:07 pace).  I wanted to keep the bench press unbroken, but had to stop after 12 during the third round and 10 during the last two rounds. Broke the curls 5-5-5 each round as biceps were smoked by that point. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Workout 65 - Ride The Wave 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast
Warm Up:
Easy Rowing without Straps @ 20 Strokes per Minute 

100 Strokes* @20 
100 Strokes* @24
100 Strokes* @28
100 Strokes* @24/@28/@32
*Accumulating 100 strokes by 3 Rounds of 10 easy, 10 moderate, 10 hard; finish out the last 10 strokes easy. There is a brief rest period between each 100 strokes (~60-90 seconds).

This was a fun one to row along with and the waves of 10-10-10 made the time go by very quickly. The focus was off of max power, but instead dialing in stroke rate and getting warm for the squats. 

20 Rep Squat Program - Week 9

This was the first week where I had thoughts of quitting during the set 😈😈. Going forward, start throwing in a couple of warmup sets (3-5 reps) building up to your work set weight. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Row Conditioning 
12x 50 sec on 50 sec off
Intervals 1-4: 28spm @ 2k plus 2
Intervals 1-4: 30spm @ 2k 
Intervals 1-4: 32-34spm @ below 2k pace

Was pretty sore waking up this morning after yesterday's deadlifts and holds so wanted to do something shorter in duration. Would like to see more consistency here across the first eight intervals before sending it on the last four. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Street Parking 3.8.23
7 Rounds
7 Unbroken Barbell Deadlift
Straight into...
30 Seconds Unbroken Top-of-Deadlift Hold
Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Rounds
*If you break at any point within a round (deadlift and/or deadlift hold), before picking back up where you left off, you must do 20 jumping lunges


Used the trap bar loaded to 170-pounds. Held all rounds to 60-70 seconds of rest. Weight was challenging but was able to keep all rounds unbroken, probably could have gone to 180 but this got TOUGH the last two rounds. Bye bye grip…

Monday, April 10, 2023

30 Minute Time Trial 
SCORE: 6503 meters
DRAG: 120

Slow and steady recovery row today out in the garage watching Kimmy Schmidt. I just wanted to log some easy meters on a beautiful 60 degree day. 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Apr 2023 C2CTC - The Magnificent Seven 
Row 700m 70secs rest
600m 60s R
500m 50s R
400m 40s R
300m 30s R
200m 20s R
and 100m to finish

There are no rate restrictions.
Record your time for 2800 meters

This was a tricky one to pace with the decreasing rest as the meters begin to pile up. Goal was to keep everything under 2:00 pace dropping my split 1.5-2 seconds with each passing interval. 
300 Dart Challenge  
Object: To row with a consistent stroke rate and power output
Number of Darts (strokes) : 300
Points: 50 points for a bull’s eye; 25, 10, and 5 points for next three rings.

Time: 13:08.7
Score: 14,160 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 2977m

This was the highest score I have recorded playing darts game. Used this time as a warmup for the April C2CTC. 

Friday, April 7, 2023

For Time 
50-35-20 sit-ups
100-foot sled push between sets (212lbs)

Wanted to do something quick and dirty today, leaving some extended time for stretching. Warmed up on the rower before hitting this metcon. The sled push was one lap down the hallway. I was able to move this weight pretty easily - should have gone with 3x45lbs. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Stroke Power Development 
2×15 min continuous (5x3 mins as 2:30+:30)
Rest 3:00
Rate 20
2k plus 20 for 2:30 into :30 power 10s
DF 115

Hot, sweaty meters at low rate focusing on building power. Second round was more consistent than the first, especially on those power 10s. 

20 Rep Squat Program - Week 8

Woke up with a sore right knee, but warmed up well on the rower before hitting this and was able to get through the 20 reps without too much of a struggle. Used the Rogue safety squat bar this week - note that the bar alone weighs 70lbs when you are loading. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Street Parking Friday 4/7/23
8 Rounds
2 Wall Walk*
10 Alternating V-Up
12 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (35-pounds)

Goal Time: 9-13 minutes
My Time: 17:20 

We're looking for each round to take 1:05-1:35, So, while it's a higher number of rounds than we might typically see, they are meant to be done quickly. The heat and humidity at the Y was just as much my enemy today as the WOD. Was going to the towel between every round. Initial rounds were between 1:10-1:30 but fell off to 2+ each round as I went along due to the humidity and also midline fatigue with the v-ups. Subbed 2 strict wall-facing HSPU and 10 alt v-ups. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Double Pyramids 
2x 19 mins as follows:
4 @r18, 3 @r20, 2 @r22, 1 @r24, 2 @r22, 3 @r20, 4 @r18
2 mins rest
4 @r20, 3 @r22, 2 @r24, 1 @r26, 2 @r24, 3 @r22, 4 @r20

When going from an 18 stroke rating to a 20 you should focus on more pressure with the legs and quickly redirecting the hands through the finish.  This will help increase the stroke rating while leaving you the same amount of time to sit up, breathe, and relax as you slide forward on the recovery.

3 rounds
30 banded pull-apart (red mini-band)
30 banded pushdowns (red mini-band) *last round was two hands with green band

Monday, April 3, 2023

Hang Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
165-175-185-190-195(fail)-195(fail)-185(fail) pounds
  • Build up to first working set by doing sets of 3-3-2-2-1
  • First working set should be challenging but allow for a gradual build up in the first few working sets
Warmed up with DH 10-minute build (2144m) on the rower, but need to put in time to practice the clean -- use the Burgener warmup. Was struggling with fast elbows and pulling with my arms instead of driving with my legs. Watch this video from Mike Burgener to help correct these flaws. 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Row Conditioning 
1000-900-800-700-600-500-400-300-200-100 meters
Rest 45 seconds between each
DF 113

Comfortable recovery meters on a muggy Saturday out in the garage. Turned the drag down and focused on finding good positions at a low rate.