Thursday, July 6, 2017

1. Gymnastics Conditioning
18 Strict HSPU
Rest 1:00
15 Strict HSPU
Rest :45
12 Strict HSPU
Rest :30
12 Strict HSPU
Rest :15 
9 Strict HSPU
*Doesn't have to be unbroken

2. Barbell Conditioning
Minutes 1-4: 3 Snatches (115)
Minutes 5-8: 5 Clean and Jerks (115)

Notes: HSPU were tough. Completed each wave in 2 sets -- experiment with smaller sets and less rest, i.e. set of 18 (3X6 with :10 rest). Barbell cycling called for 135lbs, but my shoulders were smoked and I doubted my ability to get the bar overhead on snatches at that weight.

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